1.The traditional historical research in our country on the conflict between the parliament and the king in this time was always under.专制统治遭到议会的抵制,国王依靠强大的王权压制议会,动辄就解散议会,查理一世甚至进行无议会统治,宪政冲突爆发了。
2.The opera "King" was renowned Spanish lineage France musician Edward pulls Luo fable reorganization to become in the 5th century according to by sea water swallow Iraqi Si Chengzhei the Bulietani.歌剧《国王》是著名西班牙裔法国音乐家爱德华?拉罗根据公元五世纪被海水吞噬的伊斯城这一布列塔尼传说改编而成。

1.His [Her] Imperial Majesty.国王 [王后] 陛下。
2.of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch.属于或关于国王,表示国王国王传达,或国王执行。
3.The bishop invested the king with the crown.主教给国王戴上王冠((主教为国王加冕))。
4.prince consort女王的丈夫(并非国王
5.A crown is emblem of the king.王冠是国王的象征。
6.This crown was made especially for the King.王冠是专为国王制造的。
7.The King was dispossessed of his crown该国王被夺去了王位。
8.The king and queen loved Bella very much.国王和王后非常爱贝拉。
9.The king and queen are both dead.国王和王后双双去世。
10.there was a king and a queen.有一个国王和王后。
11.The king and the queen ran to the tower.国王和王后冲进塔内。
12.Their Majesties have arrived.国王与王后陛下已驾到.
13.The prince ascended the throne to become king.这位王子继位成为国王
14.A prince is the son of a king.王子是国王的儿子。
15.The prince acceded to the throne when the king died.国王死后,王子继承了王位。
16.Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.国王和女王出席官方仪式时戴王冠。
17.The prince usually succeeds to the throne after the king's death.王子通常在国王死后才能继承王位。
18.The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relatives.王室成员包括国王、王后及其亲属。

the king国王
1.The reiteration of such terms as “the king”, “the duke”,“the prince” and “the privileged class ”in the novel constitutes the implications and examples of the work s central theme: Mark Twain s denial and contempt towards the sovereignty.在《哈克贝里·芬历险记》中,有约占三分之一的篇幅用来描述“国王”与“公爵”的种种丑恶表演。
1.The latter three ethnic groups established their respective kingdoms and entered slave society period, being influenced either directly or indirectly by Han culture.其中的后三个少数民族 ,分别建立了王国。
4)the King of Thailand, in a war.泰国国王。
6)Furniture Kingdom家具王国
1.China to Be a Furniture Kingdom;中国成为世界家具王国是历史的必然
