1.In order to solve the long term problem of water pollution in Huaiyin city,Huaiyin county,Huaian town and Hongze county,the planning of south channel ecological engineering in water tranfer channel to ocean of Huaihe River is proposed.研究表明 ,南泓生态工程净化能力显著 ,基本不会对沿线环境卫生、地下水、下游地面水及海口生态构成影响 ,是淮阴市三淮一洪以至下游滨海、阜宁地区未来污水安全可靠的出
2.Huaiyin s Economy lags behind that of other areas, and especially enterprises running situation is not optimistic.淮阴经济 2 0年来得到了长足发展 ,但与其他地区相比仍然存在较大差距 ,尤其企业的运行状况不容乐观 ,本文试图对此作些分

1.Surrounded on all Sides, also known as The State of Han Conquers the State of Chu.《十面埋伏》,又名《淮阴平楚》。
2.Design of the Huaiyin District Sports&Fitness Center of Huaian运河波涛——淮安市淮阴区体育健身中心设计
3.From the Biography of Huaiyin Feudal to See the Trick of Writing History of Shiji;从《淮阴侯列传》等看《史记》的写史手法
4.Re-understanding on Hanxin s Tragedy --On Records of the Historian·Huaiyin Marquis biographies;韩信悲剧之再认识——读《史记·淮阴侯列传》
5.Study on Construction New HIT;关于建设新型淮阴工学院的一些思考
6.Expectation and Determination On Huaiyin s Developing Objective in 2010;淮阴市2010年经济发展目标预测和确定
7.The Study of the Published Papers in the Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College from 1998 to 2008《淮阴师范学院学报》1998—2008年载文研究
8.Study on Retrofitting & Extension of Coal Handling System in Huaiyin Power Plant淮阴电厂改造、扩建输煤系统的研究
9.An Examination Study of the Bronzes from the Tomb of the Warring States Period at Gaozhuang in Huaiyin淮阴高庄战国墓出土铜器的分析研究
10.Study on the Capacity Expansion and Energy Saving Modifications of Brine Transportation Pump Station at Huaiyin淮阴输卤泵站扩产与节能改造的研究
11.The Effects and Strategies of the Development of Industrialization of Live Pigs in Huaiyin District, Huaian City;淮安市淮阴区生猪产业发展影响因素及对策研究
12.Analysis of Planting Comparative Advantage and the Tactics of Planting Structure Adjustment in Huaiyin of Huai an City;淮安市淮阴区种植业比较优势分析及结构调整策略
13.Analysis on Regional Comparative Advantage of Crops--A Case Study on Huaiyin of Huaian City in Jiangsu Province;农作物区域比较优势分析——以江苏省淮安市淮阴区为例
14.On the Tragic Meaning of Han Xin's Personality: Interpretation of Record of Historian Biography of Huaiyin Marquis论韩信人格的悲剧意蕴——读《史记·淮阴侯列传》
15.The Project Management Plans to Study on Huaiyin Cigarette Factory Extension Project;淮阴卷烟厂扩建工程的项目管理策划研究
16.Comprehensive Utilization Patterns and Techologies of Biogas in Countrysides Together with Research on Strategies Related to It in Huaiying District;淮阴农村沼气综合利用模式与技术及策略研究
17.On Art Design Initiative Education Development Of Huaiyin Institute Of Technology;浅析淮阴工学院艺术设计创新教育的发展
18.Present Situation and Developing Measures of Mirabilite Resources in Huaiyin, Jiangsu Province;江苏淮阴芒硝资源开发现状与发展对策

1.Delving the Pollution of Dustfall in Huaiyin;淮阴区大气降尘污染状况探讨
3)the Huaiyin Prefecture淮阴市
1.Research on Prefectural GIS of Resources and Environment —A Case Study in the Huaiyin Prefecture of Jiangsu Province;地级市资源与环境地理信息系统研究——以江苏省淮阴市为例
4)huaiyin region淮阴地区
5)Huaiyin sag淮阴凹陷
1.The types and characteristics of the sedimentary facies developed in Pukou formation of Upper Cretaceous in Huaiyin sag of Yanfu depression are analyzed.对盐阜坳陷淮阴凹陷上白垩统浦口组发育的沉积相类型及其特征进行了分析。
6)the third Huaiyin Pumping Station淮阴三站
