1.The anti-oppressive mutiny of the garrison soldiers and the anti-feudal peasant uprising that it later evolved into are two stages of one historical movement.唐懿宗咸通九年 (86 8年 )七月 ,许佶、庞勋发动桂州兵变 ,率领 80 0戍卒 ,擅自北归 ,攻克徐州。
2.In fact, the mutiny reflected the institutional problem existed in the political and military system in the middle and late period of the Ming dynasty.实际上这场兵变反映了明代中后期政治军事体系中存在的制度性问题。

1.Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.不满情绪酿成了兵变.
2.India mutiny: In 1857 the native troops of the Bengal army of the East India Company mutinied because of 1.resentment at the reforms of ancient.印度兵变:1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变
3.the British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny (1857).印度兵变期间(1957)美军被包围。
4.engage in a mutiny against an authority.举行兵变以对抗现存的权威。
5.In January it broke out into muting.到了一月份,就爆发成为兵变
6.He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.他发动了一场反对高级将领的兵变
7.Supplemental Information to Research on Divergence Between Sun Yat-Sen and Chen Jiongming Before "June 16" Mutiny“六·一六兵变”前孙陈分歧研究补阙
8.Review on the Change of Soldier Position in the Mansion Army System of Tang Dynasty;唐朝时期府兵制中"兵"的地位变化述论
9.Comparison of Variation in Tactics in Military Science of Sun Tzu and Kuan Tzu《孙子兵法·九变》与《管子·九变》比较
10.soldiers brutalized by a long war因长期战争而变得残忍的士兵.
11.mutinous sailors, workers, children, etc叛变的水兵、 反抗的工人、 不听话的孩子
12.a renegade priest, spy, soldier背教的牧师、 叛变的间谍、 倒戈的士兵.
13.The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics knows how to handle his troops.故将通于九变之利者,知用兵矣;
14.In war, practice dissimulation, and you will succeed. Whether to concentrate or to divide your troops,must be decided by circumstances.故兵以诈立,以利动,以分和为变者也。
15.The toy soldiers turned the current of my life.那些玩具士兵改变了我的生活趋向。
16.When his pawn reached the other side, it was queened.当他的兵达到另一边时,它变成皇后。
17.Patrick has been amazing for Arsenal.维埃拉给兵工厂带来了巨大的变化。
18.Observation of the Psychological Change before and after the 1091 New Recruits Receiving Intensive Training.;1091名新兵集训前后心理变化追踪观察

3)the Mutiny in Shuofang朔方兵变
4)mutiny in Ningxia宁夏兵变
5)Im-ou military revolt壬午兵变
1.Occurrence in 1882 of Korean "Im-ou military revolt", is caused by every kind of complex controdiction in Korea over a long period of time .发生于1882年的朝鲜“壬午兵变”,是朝鲜各种矛盾长期积聚的产物。
6)But really, a mutiny!"嗳,兵变
