1.The Comparative Study of Lin Song and Tima of Tujias National Songs;土家族民族歌乐《廪歌》与《梯玛》的比较研究
2.On the Fairy Songs of Ba People--An Interpretation of the Songs of Tima of Tu jia People;巴人神歌阐释——土家族歌乐《梯玛》考略

1.Origins of the Meaning of “Tima” in Tujia Ethnic Language: Talking with the author of “Study on `Tima ”;土家语“梯玛”语义溯源——与《“梯玛”探幽》一文作者商榷
2.On the Fairy Songs of Ba People--An Interpretation of the Songs of Tima of Tu jia People;巴人神歌阐释——土家族歌乐《梯玛》考略
3.The Social Functions in "Palying Buddha" Rituals of Tujia Tima土家族梯玛“玩菩萨”仪式及其社会功能——以双坪村卡落坪梯玛班子为例
4.A Comparative Study of Tujia Nationality s Folk Songs--Linge and Tima;土家族民族歌乐《廪歌》与《梯玛》的比较研究
5.A Study of the Tujia s belief in Tima--With Laxidong Village as an Example;土家族梯玛信仰研究——以拉西峒村为个案
6.Semiotic Space in "TiMa" Ceremony of Asking for Sons梯玛“求子”仪式中的符号化空间——以剪纸“天门”为中心
7.The Style Features of Ritual Songs in Ti-ma Sorcery Cult at Tu-jia Minority土家族梯玛巫祀仪式歌曲的风格特征——兼与土家族其他民歌相比较
8.Mary was afraid of falling from the ladder.玛丽害怕从梯上掉下来。
9.Research on Dalian Sigma Elevator Company Supply Chain Cost Control大连星玛电梯供应链采购成本控制研究
10."Have a good time, dearies!" Said Mrs. Marth, as the sisters went daintily down the walk.当姐妹俩从楼梯上姗姗而下时,玛基夫人说:“亲爱的,愿你们玩个痛快
11.Soil Erosion Impact and Its Control Planning for the Construction of Hydropower Stations in Huma River Development呼玛河干流梯级水电站开发项目的水土流失影响与防治
12.Characteristics of Grain Sizes for Samples of Different Grades of Transporting Sediment in the Ground Layer during the Course of Sandstorms in the Hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴过程贴地层梯度输沙样粒度特征分析
13.Localization value of 3D TOF-SPGR in treatment of primary trigeminal neuralgia with Gamma Knife三维时间飞跃-扰相梯度回波在伽玛刀治疗原发性三叉神经痛中的定位价值
14."and Mishma and Dumah and Massa,"米施玛,度玛,玛撒,
15.the rounds of a ladder梯级, 梯子的横档
16."Mishma and Dumah, Massa, Hadad and Tema,"米施玛,度玛,玛撒,哈达,提玛,
17.Passenger and service elevators载客电梯和货运电梯
18.Gangway turning deviceGB/T1393-1987舷梯翻梯装置

Tima worship梯玛崇拜
3)redeem a vow to Tima还梯玛愿
4)A Thorough Inquisition of "Tima"梯玛"探幽
5)ti-ma songs梯玛歌
1.The music of ritual in ti-ma sorcery divided into two kinds of religionary and secular,both of their sound with stronger primordial features and national traits,but the reliqion one was core,especial the vocal part,called ti-ma songs.梯玛巫祀仪式音乐包含宗教性和世俗性两大类,以宗教性音乐为核心,其中最有特点的是声乐,即梯玛歌。
6)A Study on Tima of Tujia Nationality土家族梯玛研究

法婷·哈玛玛  埃及女电影演员。被誉为"埃及电影皇后"。1932年生于曼苏拉。作为童星参加《幸福一天》(1939)的演出,此后至1959年大都扮演善良受辱女性的角色,主要有《地狱天使》(1947)、《忏悔室》(1949)、《尼罗河之子》(1950)、《我们美好的日子》(1955)、《山谷里的战斗》(1955)等。1959年,在《鹬鸟声声》中,她以一个反传统观念的乡村姑娘出现,被认为是她艺术上的一个转折点。此后,哈玛玛成功地扮演了许多不同年龄、性格迥异的阿拉伯妇女,成为一位成熟的性格演员,这个时期主要影片有《敞开的大门》(1963,获雅加达电影节特别奖),《M帝国》(1972)、《忠诚》(1964)、《我要求解决》(1974)、《芸芸众生》(1977,获第3届开罗国际电影节最佳女演员奖)。1984年,在退隐多年后,重新登上银幕,演了第 100部影片《法蒂玛被捕之夜》。