1.Analysis of the Reason of Justinian s Religion Policy s Defeat;查士丁尼宗教政策失败原因初探
2.On Theodora, about Her Influence on Policy during Justinian Epoch;论狄奥多拉对查士丁尼时代政策的影响
3.Crpus Juris Civilis was a code on Roman law compiled by Justinian in Byzantine in the 6 th century.《民法大全》是公元6世纪东罗马皇帝查士丁尼主持编纂的一部法典。

1.Justinian the Great [Rome, 483-565]查士丁尼大帝[罗马
2.Corpus Juris Civilis《查士丁尼民法大全》
3.Let Justinian be the male, and Feasting, the female!让查士丁尼作雄的,让酒囊饭装作雌的。
4.Justinian introduced a new syllabus.查士丁尼采纳了一份新的教学大纲。
5.Research Angles and Historical Materials--A Case Study of “Justinian Plague”;研究视角与史料——“查士丁尼瘟疫”研究
6.Constantine the Great knew no Greek and Justinian's accent was bad.君士坦丁大帝也的确不懂希腊语,查士丁尼的希腊语音调不正。
7.On Theodora, about Her Influence on Policy during Justinian Epoch;论狄奥多拉对查士丁尼时代政策的影响
8.Justinian had abolished the Academy at Athens in 529, Alexandria had been overrun by the Arabs in 642.529年,查士丁尼废除了雅典的学院; 642年,亚历山大被阿拉伯入侵占。
9.Crpus Juris Civilis was a code on Roman law compiled by Justinian in Byzantine in the6 th century.民法大全》是公元6世纪东罗马皇帝查士丁尼主持编纂的一部法典。
10.This saying refers to Justinian, a mysterious and magnificent figure in history.这句话说的是查士丁尼,历史上神秘又著名的人物。
11.The Comparative Analysis of the Compilation of Iustinianus I's Statute Book Compiles and Compiles with "the Uncivilized Nationalities Statute Book"查士丁尼的法典编纂和“蛮族法典”编纂的比较分析
12.On the Poetic Expression of Dante’s Political Ethics;西基尔、阿奎那与“两重光交相辉映”的查士丁尼——但丁政治伦理的诗化表述
13.The reason for his fame in history is twofold: his dream of reconquering the West Roman Empire and the compiling of Roman law.他之所以名垂青史有两个原因:收复西罗马帝国和组织编纂查士丁尼法典。
14.This commission produced the Codex Constitution.这个委员会编纂了《查士尼丁法典》。
15.Transmissio iustinianea (ex iure deliberandi)优士丁尼转位(替换)
16.Lawn Tennyson, gentleman poet.草地·丁尼生,绅士派头的诗人。
17.A scotch, a screw driver or a martini?你要苏格兰威士忌酒,还是起子酒或马丁尼酒?
18.Bacterial Endotoxin Test for Nizatidine and Sodium Chloride Injection尼扎替丁氯化钠注射液的细菌内毒素检查

Iustinianus I's statute book查士丁尼法典
4)the Codex Justinianus优士丁尼法典
6)Justinian I罗马皇帝优士丁尼一世
