慧远,Hui Yuan
1)Hui Yuan慧远
1.The Influence of the Sarvastivada s Idea of "Real-bhava" upon Hui Yuan s Thought;论说一切有部“实有”观念对慧远思想的影响
2.On Creative Development to Hui Yuan s Aesthetic Thought of Xie Lingyun s Landscape Poems;论谢灵运山水诗对慧远佛教美学思想的创造性发展

1.Disscuss The Real Exist ideology In Master Huiyuan's Dharma Nature慧远《法性论》中“实有”思想浅论
2.The third part of this text, has elucidated the subordination question of the Buddhism thought of Hui yuan.本文第三部分,阐发了慧远佛学思想的统属问题。
3.The Influence of the Sarvastivada s Idea of "Real-bhava" upon Hui Yuan s Thought;论说一切有部“实有”观念对慧远思想的影响
4."all this I have put to the test by wisdom; I said, I will be wise, but it was far from me."我曾用智慧试验这一切事。我说,要得智慧,智慧却离我远。
5.Ant- Symbolizes a man of great labor, wisdom and providence.蚂蚁-征兼具努力、慧和远见的人。
6.Ant - Symbolizes a man of great labor, wisdom and providence.蚂蚁-象征兼具努力、智慧和远见的人。
7.LOOKING FURTHER ahead, I see“ smart” drug delivery systems as particularly exciting.看远一点的话,我认为「慧型」药系统特别令人兴奋。
8.To him who by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.称谢那用智慧造天的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
9.Nature never became a toy a wise spirit.对于聪慧的心灵来说,大自然永远不会成为玩物。
10."The wise man, fearing, keeps himself from evil; but the foolish man goes on in his pride, with no thought of danger."智慧人惧怕,就远离恶事。愚妄人却狂傲自恃。
11."and he said to man, Truly the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to keep from evil is the way to knowledge."他对人说,敬畏主就是智慧。远离恶便是聪明。
12."acting wisely is the way of life, guiding a man away from the underworld."智慧人从生命的道上升,使他远离在下的阴间。
13.She was very intelligent, sweetly soft-spoken and always willing to shine a smile.她天资聪慧,声音甜美,脸上永远带着灿烂的笑容。
14.[bbe] Acting wisely is the way of life, guiding a man away from the underworld.智慧人从生命的道上升、使他远离在下的阴间。
15.For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered; in days to come both will be forgotten. Like the fool, the wise man too must die!智慧人,和愚昧人一样,永远无人记念。因为日后都被忘记。可叹智慧人死亡,与愚昧人无异。
16.In making this substitution I had drawn upon the wisdom of a very remote source-the wisdom of my boyhood.我这种移花接木的手段是利用一种非常源远流长的智慧--我小时候的智慧。
17.At the same time try to judge the brightness of its nucleus(brightest part), and see how far you can trace its tail.与此同时,还要设法判断慧核(最明亮的部分)的亮度,观察一下慧尾有多远。
18.The path of life leads upward for the wise That he may keep away from Sheol below.箴15:24智慧人从生命的道上升、他远离在下的阴间。

1.There existed an anecdote, in the anonymous Biographies of Wise Men, about Huiyuan treating Tao Yuanming and Lu Xiujing as honored guests and seeing them off across the Tiger Stream against the usual practice while laughingly talking about the truth.据旧题晋无名氏所撰《莲社高贤传》载,慧远雅重陶渊明与陆修静,打破“送客不过虎溪”的惯例,“语道契合,不觉过溪,因相与大笑”。
2.Master Huiyuan (334-416years)was a leader at Buddhist circles in Eastern China Dynasty,and joined great renown in Chinese Buddhist history.庐山慧远(公元334~416年)是东晋(公元317~420年)时代佛教界的领袖人物,在中国佛教史上占有很重要的地位。
3)SHI Hui-yuan释慧远
4)Talking about Hui Yuan论慧远
5)Hui-yuan and the Chinesization of Buddhism慧远与佛教中国化
6)Examination of the Works by Ching-ying Hui-Yuan净影寺慧远著述考
