1.The cock conflict was a behavior of animal combats.公鸡斗架是常见的一种动物争斗行为,作者通过对公鸡斗架行为的根源、方式和结局的分析,说明公鸡斗架行为是由基因控制的,是自然选择的结果,斗架的本质是繁殖斗争,目的是取得与更多异性交配的机会,留下更多的后代。
2.This essay attempts to reread through the concepts of tension,metaphor,irony,ambiguity and paradox of British-American "New Criticism" Poe\'s Sonnet: To Science and Scott\'s The Violet and tries to conclude that the former one is a poem concerning the conflict of ration-based scientism and spirit-based humanism,the latter about the betrayal of love.司各特的The Violet这两首诗歌,发现前者呈现的是理性导向的科学主义和感性为基础的人文关怀之争斗,而后者是对爱情背叛的控诉。

1.A noisy quarrel or fight.吵架喧闹的争吵或争斗
2.a disposition to fight.喜好争吵、争斗的性格。
3.To struggle roughly;scuffle.扭打,争斗激烈而粗暴地争斗
4.fight, struggle, etc to the bitter end战斗、斗争...到底.
5.Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities严打斗争Strike-Hard
6.To fight or argue for or over.为…而斗争,为…而争辩
7.We strike for freedom.我们为争取自由而斗争。
8.The Struggle for Democracy in Germany德国争取民主的斗争
9.struggle against fascism and for democracy反法西斯争民主的斗争
10.Fight the dispute out以斗争方式解决争端。
11.But every class struggle is a political struggle.而一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。
12.This is a great political and ideological struggle.这是一个伟大的政治斗争和思想斗争。
13.First, both legal and illegal struggles can be conducted separately.首先谈合法斗争与非法斗争。
14.6. Co-ordination of and Connection Between the Legal and Illegal Struggle.六、合法斗争与非法斗争的配合与联系。
15.Our struggle is a truly national one.我们的斗争是一场真正的全民斗争。
16.Ih the final analysis, national struggle is a matter of class struggle.民族斗争,说到底,是一个阶级斗争问题。
17.The same is true of the relationship between the class struggle and the national struggle.阶级斗争和民族斗争的关系也是这样。

1.Struggles in early Song Dynasty, whose scales were relatively smaller, comparing with the party-struggles between the New and the Old, which was initiated by the Xifeng Reform and after wards affected the whole Song Dynasty, was not for political views, but for personal political powers.宋初大臣之间的争斗,相比后来由熙丰变法引起的影响整个宋朝的新旧党之争,规模相对较小,且也不是政见之争,而是个人权力之争,但它们对当时的政局,都有着相当影响。
1.From Struggle to Cooperation:the Idea Renewal and Transformation of the Manner of Right s Realization;从斗争到合作:权利实现的理念更新与方式转换
2.Most of his stories are set on the prairie and portray the struggle of the prairie farmers.加拿大作家罗斯的小说多数以大草原为背景 ,描写草原人的生活斗争。
1.This paper is to survey the protracted nature of fighting corruption in the society, through the experience and lesson from fighting against corruption at all times and from all countries.通过对古今中外封建社会和资本主义社会反腐败斗争的经验教训,论证人类社会反腐败斗争的长期性。
2.Marxism advocates the spirit of fight, while the Chinese culture upholds that of peace.马克思主义文化的根本精神是斗争精神,而中国传统文化表现的是和合精神,这似乎没有丝毫共同。
3.Reviewing the fight against SARS in the past few months, we can get some inspirations from it.抗击“非典”的斗争给人们带来了多方面的启示。
1.During its establishment and development,Liang Qi-chao and the Chinese Alliance,each going along a different path underwent constant cooperations as well as battles and ended up in eventual break-up.在同盟会的建立和发展过程中,同盟会与梁启超之间,尽管各自选择了不同道路,但合作与斗争不断,此消彼长直至对垒决裂。
2.During the years 1521 to 1546, Luther didn t weaken in his battle against the Catholic Church as supposed. 路德中晚期的宗教改革活动虽然与社会下层群众的宗教改革活动产生了巨大的分歧,但他继续并加强了对天主教的斗争,最终实现了与天主教的完全决裂。
1.Feeling Technological Power in the Conflict of Human with SARS;从抗击SARS的斗争中感悟科学技术的强大力量
2.Limited cooperation and limited conflict between China and the United States;对中美关系进行专题研究,自然而然成为诸多专家、学者触及的热点问题,笔者在剖析中美之间所存在的共同利益和矛盾分歧的基础上,运用矛盾的同一性和斗争性辩证关系的基本原理,分析中美关系中存在着合作与斗争并存、利益与分歧同在的现象,以求把握中美关系发展、变化的趋势与内在规律性。

争斗1.争夺;斗殴。 2.奋斗,战斗。