1.Research on Deeds of Khan Ten Surname Ashinaxian in Turk;突厥十姓可汗阿史那献事迹考
2.A Centenary Studies of North-Asia Turk(1900-2000);北亚突厥百年研究(1900—2000年)
3.The Qiuci Grottoes and Cultures of Turk, Tibetan, Uigur;龟兹石窟与突厥、回鹘、吐蕃文化

1.The Turkic language subfamily, especially the eastern Turkic languages.突厥突厥语亚语系,尤指东部的几种突厥
2.FromOld Turkic qaghan.源自古突厥语qaghan。
3.Of or relating to Turkic or the peoples who speak Turkic.突厥语的;突厥族的属于或关于突厥语族或说突厥语的民族的
4.A member of any of the Turkic-speaking peoples.突厥人说突厥语的民族的成员
5.“Turkestan”, “Eastern Turkestan” and “Uigurstan”;“突厥斯坦”、“东突厥斯坦”与“维吾尔斯坦”
6.Turkic Stone Enclosures and Human Statues突厥石围栏和石雕人像
7.the Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash people.楚瓦什人说的突厥语。
8.the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman people.土库曼人说的突厥语。
9.the Turkic language spoken by the Kazak people.哈萨克人说的突厥语。
10.the Turkic language spoken by the Azerbaijani people.阿塞拜疆人说的突厥语。
11.the Turkic language spoken by the Uzbek people.乌兹别克人说的突厥语。
12.the Turkic language spoken by the Yakut people.雅库特人说的突厥语。
13.the Turkic language spoken by the Uigur people.维吾尔人所说的突厥语。
14.a Turkic language spoken by the Turks.土耳其人所说的突厥语。
15.Of or relating to the Turkic language subfamily, especially the eastern Turkic languages, or their speakers.突厥语的属于或关于突厥语亚语系的,尤指东部的突厥语的或说突厥语的人的
16.Handicraft Industry in the Ancient Turkish Nationalities in Diwanu Lughat-it Türk《突厥语大词典》所见古代突厥语诸民族的手工业
17.The Guess of Original Turkic and Examples of the Character of Turkic Culture;原始突厥语的拟测与突厥语民族文化特征追寻例证
18.The Turkic language of the Uzbeks.乌兹别克语乌兹别克人使用的突厥

1.Cultural Significance of the Ancient Turkic People s "Large Army to Die,but Shameful to Sickness";释古代突厥人“重兵死,而耻病终”的文化意义
2.The Turkic Revolt and the Southward Movement of Anbei Supervision Office;突厥的叛乱与安北都护府南迁
3.The Discussion for Settling down the Turkic in the Period of Zhenguan贞观年间关于安置突厥问题的大讨论
1.In the early Tang Dynasty, Han people and other ethnic groups in inland China knew it as the Turks intercourse with the Central Plains became more frequent and lots of Turkic people migrated to the Central Plains.剺面习俗在东汉至隋唐时期流行于以突厥为主体的西域诸民族中,并于唐代前期随着突厥与中原政权的频繁交往和大量降唐的突厥人内迁而被汉族等更多的民族所了解。
2.At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, Youzhou is continually assaulted by many tribes in the northeast having submitted to Turks.隋初,突厥乘王朝立足未稳之际,对边境屡屡构成威胁。
3.From 11th century, along with the Byzantium internal contradictions and Turks growing up, they erupted the incisively conflict in the Asia Minor area.公元11世纪起,随着拜占庭内部矛盾的加剧和突厥民族的兴起,双方在小亚地区爆发了冲突。
1.Tujue (Turk) and Pan-Turkism;关于突厥和“泛突厥主义”的探讨
2.The author thinks Emperor Wen,according to the actual situation of minority nationalities,adopted not exactly identical national policies,as the policies of"dividing the strong and uniting the weak"and"applying the carrot and stick judiciously"to the threatening Tujue,the policy of taking peace as the dominant factor to the Wes.作者认为 ,文帝根据各少数民族的实际情况 ,采取了不尽相同的民族政策 ,对威胁较大的突厥采取“离强合弱”、恩威并用的政策 ;对西域、吐谷浑采取以和为主的政策 ;对东北、长江流域和关中以北诸族采取“以德御之”的怀抚政策。
3.The second chapter analyzed the relationship between the Rouran and the Tujue, which was a nomadic Turkic tribe.第二章主要分析柔然与突厥的关系。
6)West of Turk Empire西部突厥
1.On the Distinction Between the West of Turk Empire and Western Turk Empire;从西部突厥到西突厥汗国
