干宝,Gan Bao
1)Gan Bao干宝
1.Absorption of What Is Different and What Is Not,and the Confusion of the Fictional and the Actual:Gan Bao s Theory of Fiction and his Practice;博采异同 遂混虚实——论干宝的小说理论与实践

1.On Some of the Precious Experiences of Marxism s Theory Innovation;马克思主义理论创新的若干宝贵经验
2.The Influence of Records of Spirits by GAN Bao on the Novels and Dramas in later Time干宝《搜神记》对后世小说戏曲的影响
3.Absorption of What Is Different and What Is Not,and the Confusion of the Fictional and the Actual:Gan Bao s Theory of Fiction and his Practice;博采异同 遂混虚实——论干宝的小说理论与实践
4.To-morrow!" Then she added irrelevantly: "You ought to see the baby."明天,”随即她又毫不相干地说:“你应当看看宝宝。”
5.Why did you use flame bomb to burn me?至尊宝:哇!干吗用火焰来烧我?
6.As they have all weathered the storms, they are highly valuable.这些骨干,是经过风浪的,是很可宝贵的。
7.you will gain much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work.只要肯干,你都会 获得许多宝贵经验.
8.For this quality he is prepared to do anything.为了这法宝,他什么都愿意干。
9.Old Tong Bao was firmly convinced that all this occurred as part of a government conspiracy with the foreign devils.老通宝深信这都是串通了洋鬼子干的。
10.Meteorological Drought Analysis and Prediction in the Irrigation District of Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡灌区气象干旱特性分析及预测
11.Inquiring into the Prototypes of Images like "Talisman" in Pilgrimage to the West;《西游记》中“法宝”等若干意象的原型研究
12.Research on the sustainable development strategy for tourism industry in Baoji;宝鸡旅游可持续发展的若干战略思考
14.Bye-lo, bye-lo, go to sleep.宝宝,宝宝,睡吧。
15.a peck of March dust is worth a king's ransom.三月干土贵如金(三月的晴朗天气非常宝贵)。
16.Papa began to shout" Whoa boys, steady boys, steady..." But there was nothing he could do.爸爸叫喊着“宝贝们,听话,乖……”,可他也干着急没办法。
17.Application of Anti-interference Technology to ITV System of EAF at Baosteel抗干扰技术在宝钢电炉工业电视系统的应用
18.Study on Intervention Measures of Hypertension in Baon district, Shenzhen;深圳市宝安区高血压病的现场干预研究

3)Tian Bao War天宝干戈
4)A Textual Criticism of Gan Bao干宝考
5)Baogan capsule宝干胶囊
1.Objective:To study the effects of using both Baogan capsule and tabellae Jiaogulannosidi in treating nonaleoholie fatty liver in rat models.目的:探讨绞股蓝联合宝干胶囊治疗大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝的作用机制。
6)Lu Xun and Gan Bao鲁迅与干宝
