1.Zhu Yuanzhang created the Ming regime and sent the army to all over the country as a basis for frontier defense,which was organized in Weisuo system.本文在将地方卫所建置置于明朝整体战略格局背景下的同时,依据正史和地方志资料,详细考证了明朝陕西行都司诸卫所的建置背景及地域特征。
2.This thesis aims to research the historical geography of ocean frontier, and the most important purpose is probe into the history of the coastal defense administrative stations of Weisuo of Shandong Peninsula in Ming Dynasty.本课题研究的是海疆历史地理,主要目的是研究明代山东沿海卫所的建置沿革,探索其内在布局的历史、地理因素,从史地角度分析明代海防的形成与发展,为现代海防建设提供参考建议。

1."But it was not the Lord's purpose to send destruction on the family of David, because of the agreement he had made with David, when he said he would give to him and to his sons a light for ever."耶和华却因自己与大卫所立的约,不肯灭大卫的家,照他所应许的,永远赐灯光与大卫和他的子孙。
2.mental hygiene clinic心理卫生诊疗所 心理卫生诊疗所
3.A room used by guards on duty.卫兵室卫兵值勤时所用的房子
4.National Institute of Public Health国家公共卫生研究所
5.National Institute for Health and Medical Research国家卫生和医药研究所
6.Cytogenetic Laboratory [Department of Health]遗传学化验所〔卫生署〕
7.National Institute of Mental Health美国家心理卫生研究所
8.Satellite altimetry-derived bathymetric data卫星测高所得测深数据
9.Near East Animal Health Institute近东动物卫生研究所
10.Western Social Hygiene Clinic西区社会卫生科诊所
11.Yung Fung Shee Social Hygiene Clinic容凤书社会卫生科诊所
12.South Kwai Chung Social Hygiene Clinic南葵涌社会卫生科诊所
13.Tuen Mun Social Hygiene Clinic屯门社会卫生科诊所
14.Lek Yuen Social Hygiene Clinic沥源社会卫生科诊所
15.Tang Shiu Kin Social Hygiene Clinic邓肇坚社会卫生科诊所
16.Chaiwan Social Hygiene Clinic柴湾社会卫生科诊所
17.Social Defence Research Institute, United Nations联合国社会防卫研究所(社防所)
18.David then took up residence in the fortress, and so it was called the City of David.7大卫住在保障里,所以那保障叫作大卫城。

1.Wei-so System and Resources Assignation in local society——The Case of Yuzhou During Ming-Qing Period;卫所制度变迁与基层社会的资源配置——以明清蔚州为中心的考察
2.Wei-so system is an important military system of Ming Dynasty.卫所制是明代重要的军事制度。
3.It was a universal tendency which military families communities evolved at southeast coastal Wei-so(卫所),also was the element of the coastal local society construction.由明至清,卫所军户由单列"卫籍"的特殊群体渐次演变为普通的编户齐民,并逐步融入当地社会,这一过程,可谓为"军户的地方化"。
1.The Check and Manhunt System in Wei-Suo Military System of Ming Dynasty;明代卫所军制下的清勾制度
2.It analyzes the local situation through the layout of the wei-suo, reflecting in one aspect the implementation of the central government s policy in a remote costal area and the a.文章主要通过明代地方文献的分析,描述明初潮州海防系统建立的缘由、过程和制度变迁,探讨沿海卫所布局所反映的潮州地方社会情形,一个侧面反映明初中央王朝的政策在沿海边远地区推行的实况及地方社会的因应过程。
3.It analyzes the local situation through the layout of the wei-suo, reflecting in one aspect the implementation of the central government s policy in a remote costal area and the.文章主要通过明代地方文献的分析,描述明初潮州海防系统建立的缘由、过程和制度变迁,探讨沿海卫所布局所反映的潮州地方社会情形,从一个侧面反映明初中央王朝的政策在沿海边远地区推行的实况及地方社会的因应过程。
4)Sanitary latrine卫生厕所
1.The results showed that the coverage of rural latrines , sanitary latrines and safe night soil disposal in the surveyed regions had.0% ,卫生厕所普及率为6。
2.Objective To understand quality control and safe excreta disposal effect of sanitary latrines in rural areas of Anhui province.目的 了解安徽省农村卫生厕所质量及粪便无害化效果。
1.OBJECTIVE In order to find out the situation of rebuilding latrine and management of night soil in rural area, approach the factors which related the family sanitary-latrine rebuilding and managing.结果 无害化卫生厕所合格率81。
6)Guard Towns of Ming Dynasty明代卫所
