1.From Cixi to "Qingliu":The Amusement in Tongguang Resurgence;从慈禧到“清流”:同光中兴中的“声”与“色”
2.The Psychological State of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Period of Boxer Movement;义和团运动时期慈禧太后心态剖析

1.Empress Cixi was a Han girl From Changzhi;解开慈禧童年之谜——慈禧本是长治汉家女
2.And was she an adventuress like the Empress Dowager Yehonala?江青是否像慈禧一样的人?
3.After seizing the throne, Cixi had the emperor put under house arrest on Ying'Tai.慈禧夺权后,就将光绪皇帝幽禁在瀛台。
4.The Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty attended to state affairs for several decades.清朝慈禧太后垂帘听政几十年。
5.From Cixi to "Qingliu":The Amusement in Tongguang Resurgence;从慈禧到“清流”:同光中兴中的“声”与“色”
6.Analysis of the relation between Yuan Shikai and Ci Xi;试析袁世凯与慈禧的关系(1898—1908)
7.Story has it that while Yuan Shikai was a Qing general he had presented Dogs- Wouldn'tTouch'Bao'Zi to the Empress Dowager Cixi as a tribute and thus won the latter's favour. This no doubt had added to the fame of this kind of bao'zi.传说,袁世凯曾用狗不理包子向慈禧太后进贡,大受慈禧赞赏,于是,狗不理包子就更出名了。
8.Back to China, she began to perform in the court and was favored by Dowager Cixi.回国后经常在宫廷中表演,深受慈禧太后的宠爱,
9.The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi during her stay in the Summer Palace.乐寿堂是慈禧太后住在颐和园时的寝宫。
10.The Incredibility in the Legend of Wu Tang's Favor on Ci Xi as a Young Girl有关吴棠对慈禧太后微时有恩的传说不可信
11.Ci Xi's Thoughts and Diplomacy during the period of Boxer Rebellion义和团运动时期慈禧的思想与对外政策
12.In 1908, the empress dowager said on her deathbed to the effect that on no account should Guangxu be allowed to survive herself.1908 年(光绪三十四年),慈禧临死前对人讲: 绝不能让光绪死在她的后头。
13.Later, the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, representing the die-hards, again took power and the reform movement failed.后来顽固派的代表慈禧太后重握政权,维新运动遂告失败。
14.Summer Palace, the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden, visit for2 hours.参观中国最大、美的皇家园林,清代慈禧太后的夏宫,时间2小时。
15.T: The summer residence of the Empress Dowager? That would be nice. We've heard so much about it. How about it, Smith?慈禧太后的夏季行宫吗?好极了,我们久闻其名了。史密斯,你看呢?
16.At a result, the power of training new troops came to Rong Lu and Yuan Shikai who were both favoured by Cixi (empress dowager).北洋编练新军之权则落入慈禧太后所崇信的荣禄与袁世凯之手。
17.The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building. The Great Theatre Building was the place where Beijing Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi.德和园也叫大戏楼。大戏楼是专为慈禧太后表演京戏的地方。
18.Empress Dowager Ci Xi rebuilt it in 1888 with a large sum of money which had been appropriated to build a Chinese navy.1888年,慈禧太后斥巨资重建它,那些钱财本来是要用作海军经费的。

Ci Xi慈禧
1.Analysis of the relation between Yuan Shikai and Ci Xi;试析袁世凯与慈禧的关系(1898—1908)
2.How Did CI Xi become the Successor of KANG You-wei?;慈禧缘何成为康有为的继承人
3.Ci Xi's Thoughts and Diplomacy during the period of Boxer Rebellion义和团运动时期慈禧的思想与对外政策
3)Queen Mother Ci Xi慈禧太后
1.On Queen Mother Ci Xi s Attitude to Movement of 1898;论慈禧太后与晚清维新运动的合离
4)Empress Dowager CiXi慈禧太后
1.Because of Guangxu Emperor\'s symbol of imperial power, Empress Dowager Cixi had a mind to replace him , but hard to make it into reality.戊戌政变后,随着慈禧太后的再次“训政”,清廷的内外政策变得保守而排外,光绪帝权利尽失,甚且生命堪虞,地方督抚和列强对此反应强烈。
5)Cixi Taihou慈禧太后(1835~1908)
6)Selected Medical Prescriptions for Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi,With Comments《慈禧光绪医方选议》

《慈禧光绪医方选议》  中国档案汇编。北京中医研究院西苑医院、中国第一历史档案馆合编,中华书局1981年出版。平装,约17万余字。附有编者评议和索引。日本于1983年出版日文译本。    所选 391份医方取材于中国第一历史档案馆所藏清代内务府御药房档案,多是慈禧和光绪所常用,各科均有。其内容大体可分 4类:①长寿、补益、美容、求嗣等医方。如光绪所用求嗣医方"古方长春益寿广嗣丹"、慈禧为防治老年病而喜用的"益寿膏"等。②治疗各种慢性疾病,如慈禧月经不调,光绪长期遗精、滑精及脏腑经络诸窍方面病症的医方。既有成方又有自制新方,如慈禧所用"三仙饮",就有 8种加减;有补剂方又有峻剂方,如"僵蚕全蝎救治方"等;还有博采众方汲取有效单方验药的医方,如光绪所用的"一味秘精汤",取分心木(胡桃夹)一味,即系民间治疗遗精、滑精之要药。③治疗内、 妇、 儿、外、五官、皮肤等各种病症之医方。在分类上不按丸散膏丹或风寒暑湿燥火等传统方法区分,而是按疾病种类和方剂作用,使人们对宫廷方药的特点及慈禧、光绪所患疾病状况有所了解。④经过长期实践验证的良效方剂。如"八珍膏"、"硃砂安神丸"等。    该书为发掘中国传统医学增添了新的领域。加深了人们对清代宫廷医学特点的认识,并有一定的实用意义,亦可为清史研究提供佐证材料。书中于每一医方之后所附的编者评议,起到了探本溯源、阐述方义、注解功用、解释方名以及论述医方效应、说明辨证论治规律等作用。