1.This paper researches and explains the inscriptions in the front of Wanyan Wolu s tombstone which was unearthed in the Daling Xiang of Acheng City,so that we can acquire more complete and thorough knowledge of that period.文章对2003年发现于黑龙江省阿城大岭乡吉兴屯的完颜斡鲁墓碑的碑额文字进行了考释,以期对该碑获得更完整、更全面的认识。
2.Contribution inscription and tombstone are quite literature colorful of the inscription in pre-T’ang dynasty.纪功碑与墓碑是先唐时期颇具文学色彩的碑文,先唐时期这两种碑体的写作规范基本定型,在创作上达到了高峰,但目前学术界对先唐碑文的文学研究还没有给予充分的重视,还缺乏系统的研究。

1.A monument commemorating the dead.墓碑纪念死者的纪念碑
2.A stone placed over a grave as a marker; a tombstone.墓碑,墓石置于坟墓上作为记号的石头;墓石
3.a stone that is used to mark a grave.可以用来刻墓碑的石头。
4.And tomb-stones where flowers should be:墓碑占了鲜花的地方,
5.there was not a tombstone on the place;坟上连一块墓碑都没有。
6.An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there.墓志铭刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭
7.phrase seen on tombstones and monuments to the dead用于墓碑及对死者的纪念碑上的词语
8.Angel knocked the tombstone of the graveyard, sunk to fall asleep.敲打著墓地的墓碑,沉睡著的天使。
9."Stele (or stela): Standing stone tablet used in the ancient world primarily as a grave marker But also for dedication, commemoration, and demarcation."石碑:古代主要用作墓碑的直竖的石板,也用作纪念碑或界碑。
10.The whole contents of theinscription on a stone tablet built in front of his tomb in Nagasaki wasincluded at the end of this article too.文末附有树立在长崎的陈明德墓碑碑文。
11.Centuries of wind and rain had worn away the inscriptions on the gravestones.几个世纪的风雨已磨损了墓碑上的碑文。
12.an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there.刻在墓碑或纪念碑上的碑铭用来纪念埋葬于此的人们。
13.A Proof of the Religious System for Islam in China: Analysis of the Tombstone and Epitaph for Ma Zaitian;新疆喀什宗室成员碑文及考证——对马在田墓碑及碑文的分析
14.There's a square depression in the center of the tombstone.在墓碑石的中间有一个正方形的凹陷。
15.The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling.墓碑长满了地衣,已在崩落。
16.The tombstone is inscribed with her name and the date of her death.墓碑上刻有她的名字和去世的日期。
17.The lettering on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible.墓碑上的文字已严重磨损难以辨认.
18.Today Memorial Day commemorates military dead, familial dead, and ancestral dead through parades, grave side decorations,现在,这个纪念日是通过游行、装饰墓碑

tombstone:stone that you put on a grave, with the name of the dead person on it墓碑;墓石
1.When the electrocardiographic shows tombstoning ST-segment elevation patterns,it indicates serious in patient\ s condiditions,much complications and poorer prognosis.急性心肌梗死心电图呈墓碑形ST段抬高表现时,病情严重,并发症多,预后差,本文将此种改变的特点、发生机制及意义做一综述。
2.Objective The aim of this study is to address the pertinence between the tombstoning electrocardiographic pattern of ST-segment change and infracted artery orientation in acute myocardial infarction.目的 探讨急性心肌梗死(AMI)ST段呈墓碑形改变的血管梗塞部位的相关性。
5)cremation gravestones火葬墓碑
1.Recently cremation gravestones have been discovered in Baoshan,dated from Dali Kingdom down to Yuan Dynasty.近年来,保山市发现了南诏、大理国到元代时期火葬墓碑,墓碑内容证明,阿吒力教在保山市曾有过辉煌的历史,并影响了保山市的历史文化以及今天的民俗。
6)double-gravestone phenomenon双墓碑
1.One piece of gravestone was erected on each head of both ends of most of the graves,which is called double-gravestone phenomenon.在海南省三亚市和陵水县境内分布着6处古代穆斯林墓葬,当中大量墓葬的头尾两端各竖一块墓碑,呈现奇特的“双墓碑”现象。

墓碑墓碑  立在坟墓前或后的碑,上刻死者姓名、事迹等文字。《礼·檀弓》:“公室视丰碑”之碑即此。秦以前为木制,本作悬棺入土之用。汉以后改用石制,在碑上多刻文字,以垂久远。东汉立碑之风盛行,文体也自成一格,有文有铭,又或有序。铭又称辞、或称系、称颂。有的并刻有纹饰。参阅明徐师曾《文体朋辨·墓碑文》、清钱泳《履园丛话·墓碑》。