1.Teacher's Dignity under the Imperial Power:The Debate on Teacher's Sitting or Standing in Jingyan When Teaching in Ancient China皇权下的师道尊严——中国古代经筵坐讲立讲之争
2.China s ancient Jingyan,which can be defined as "the royal command lectures given to the emperors",differs in its original or extended,broad or narrow senses of the word meaning,therefore requiring additional illustrations.经筵可以定义为"古代帝王为研读经史而特设的御前讲席",但在历史应用上有本意和引伸义、广义和狭义的区别。

1.Teacher's Dignity under the Imperial Power:The Debate on Teacher's Sitting or Standing in Jingyan When Teaching in Ancient China皇权下的师道尊严——中国古代经筵坐讲立讲之争
2.And true it was that he had been a constant at tender at Timon's feasts他的确经常参加泰门的筵席。
3.Then he said to his servants,' The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.于是对仆人说,喜筵已经齐备,只是所召的人不配。
4.An elaborate, sumptuous repast.盛宴丰盛、豪华的筵席
5."banquet:an elaborate, sumptuous repast."盛宴:丰盛、豪华的筵席。
6.All good thing come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。
7.However, it is certain that they had venison.但筵席上肯定有鹿肉。
8.The best of friends must part.〔谚语〕天下无不散的筵席。
9.When Abigail went to Nabal, he was in the house holding a banquet like that of a king.36亚比该到拿八那里,见他在家里设摆筵席,如同王的筵席。
10.You see, in a Chinese dinner, soup always comes last, while in the west, you start off with it.你看,中餐筵席总是后上汤,而西方筵席是从汤开始的。
11.It was such a feast we overate ourselves.筵席很丰盛,我们都吃得过饱。
12.In order to keep up appearances, they borrowed a lot of money to give a big wedding party.他们为了撑场面, 借了很多钱大摆喜筵。
13.He provides unlimited food and drink.他备办了极其丰盛的筵席。
14.A La cart selection, Complete Dinners, Comprehensive Menu随意点菜, 整桌筵席, 花色品种齐全
15.Festive preparations on a rather extensive scale were already completed.颇费张罗的喜庆筵席,早已准备停当。
16.It was a good wedding with lots to eat and drink.婚礼办得挺不错,佳肴美酒,筵席丰盛。
17.So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.王带著哈曼来赴王后以斯帖的筵席。
18.Wine smell spreads far from every restaurant on holidays and festival days.节日喜筵,家家饭馆里飘逸着酒香。

Jingyan System经筵制度
3)SONG-QING: participant in the classics colloquium经筵官
5)The Research of the Imperial Educational System in the Ching Dynasty清代经筵制度研究
6)An Introduction of JingYan in Ancient China中国古代经筵概论
