1.The prestige of rule of the law,the Gospel of government;法治权威:利维坦的福音
2.On the Concept of "Peace" in the Gospel of Matthew;试论《马太福音》中的“和睦”观
3.Tea, Gospel and Mission --A Case Study of Justus Doolittle from Bission to Musiness in 19th Century s China;茶叶·福音·传教——十九世纪来华传教士卢公明弃教从商个案研究

1.One who teaches or professes faith in a gospel.福音传道师传布福音的人或信奉福音的人
2.Philip THE EVANGELIST, SAINT圣腓力(传福音者)
3.Mark (THE EVANGELIST), SAINT圣马可(传福音的)
4.the gospel message, story, etc福音信息、 故事等.
5.gospel oath手按《福音书》宣誓
6.of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament.福音的,关于福音的,合乎福音的,尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一。
7.The gospel that must be preached today is the biblical gospel, the powerful gospel, not a neutered gospel.当今,应该传讲的福音必须是圣经的福音,有权柄的福音,而不是悦耳的福音
8.repent, and believe in the gospel."你们当悔改,信福音!"
9.a reading from St John's gospel选自《约翰福音》的朗读.
10.Why are you not spreading the good news?为什么你不传福音
11.the gospel of St John圣约翰所记载的福音
12.I have brought good news for you.我为你们带来了福音
13.It sounds like good tidings for ladies .听起来它是妇女的福音
14.evangelical preaching热衷于福音传道的.
15.Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church奥古斯塔那福音信义会
16.United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany德国联合福音信义会
17.Christian detoxification and rehabilitation programme福音戒毒和康服计划
18.kerygma and catechesis初传福音和口授教理

Gospel Music福音音乐
3)Gospel Church福音教堂
5)the Gospels福音书
1."Self" and "the Other" in the Context of Narratology——Analyzing "the Authors" and "the Readers" in the Gospels;叙事学语境中的“自我”与“他者”——浅析福音书的“作者”与“读者”
2.Most of the parables are found in the New Testament, especially the Gospels.圣经中的比喻大部分都包含在《新约》,尤其是福音书当中。
