寇准,Kou Zhun
1)Kou Zhun寇准
1.the Relationship between Emperor and Minister Influencing the Politics in the Former of Northern Song Dynasty——Take the relationship between Emperors and Kou Zhun for an example;君臣关系与北宋前期政治——以寇准为个案
2.The Effect of KOU Zhun s Character on his Official Career;寇准的性格对其仕途的影响
3.Kou Zhun:Not the "Great Cham" of "Genre of Late Tang"寇准晚唐体“盟主”身份辨析

1.Kou Zhun is an outstanding statesman of three times of prime minister in Northern Song Dynasty.寇准是我国北宋时期的一位杰出的政治家。
2.the Relationship between Emperor and Minister Influencing the Politics in the Former of Northern Song Dynasty--Take the relationship between Emperors and Kou Zhun for an example;君臣关系与北宋前期政治——以寇准为个案
3.They are killing fighters against Japan, holding back progress and working in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators to pave the way for capitulation.就是杀抗日分子,压制进步,勾结日寇汉奸,准备投降。
4.The Sekotan shipbuilders then custom-engineered an elegant craft from the seed partners, rare organoform circuits and standardized technology.赛寇特造船工便用这些种子拍档定做了一艘优雅的船,极少集成电路和标准化技术。
5.A Review of the“Japanese Pirates”──With Focus on “the Japanese Pirates in the Jiajing Period”;“倭寇”新论──以“嘉靖大倭寇”为中心
7.Win and you are king; lose and you are the outcast.“成者为王,败者为寇。”
8.Cue always recollects that.寇依一直记着这件事。
9.Losers are always in the wrong.〔谚语〕胜者为王,败者为寇。
10.Amoco Corporation阿莫寇股份有限公司
11.A tropical American tree(Ocotea rodioei)having dark, greenish, durable wood.绿心奥寇梯木一种产于热带美洲的树木(奥寇梯木属绿心奥寇梯木),木色黑绿,木质坚硬
12.She liked living at Mrs. Kirke's hotel and enjoyed teaching her children.她喜欢在寇女士旅馆里的生活,也很能享受教导寇女士小孩的工作。
13.The royal navy scoured the sea of the pirates皇家海军扫荡了海上的盗寇。
14.These papers are required to travel across Germany once outside Colditz castle.这份文件可以通行出寇地兹外面一次。
15.Courtney: Oh my gosh! I can't believe it?寇特妮:噢,我的天啊!我真不敢相信?
16.But Mr. Cogez was an obstinate man.但寇盖兹先生是个老顽固。
17.Punic Town of Kerkuane and its Necropolis迦太基人的喀尔寇阿内城及其墓地
18."Mum, Billy Corgan has silver pants.“妈妈,比利-寇根有条银色的裤子。

1.Based on the inspection of ancient Badong county city, this paper deals with its history, prosperity and achievement and success of Kouzhun.本文在考察巴东旧县坪宋城遗址和查寻有关资料的基础上,对旧县坪的历史沿革、兴废过程及原因、寇准在巴东的政绩及影响等方面进行探寻和述评,并对文化资源的保护和开发提出了看法。
4)The Study on Kou Zhun s Poetry寇准诗歌研究
5)Kouzhun and the Battle of Chanyuan寇准与澶渊之役
6)Comment on KouZhun Badong Poetry论寇准的巴东诗作
