商周,Shang and Zhou Dynasties
1)Shang and Zhou Dynasties商周
1.On the Evolution of the Relation between Man and God in Shang and Zhou Dynasties;试论商周时期人神关系之演变
2.The Evolvement or Sacrificial System in System in Shang and Zhou dynasties by Researching on Ancient Writing;从古文字看商周祭祀制度的演变

1.Publishers Weekly美国《出版商周刊》
2.Weight of1.5 tons, a three ears, abdominal slightly dark and the end of zhucha, surrounded Zhou jewelry business.重1.5吨,三足双耳,腹略鼓,底浑圆,四周有商周文饰。
3.Two Trials Experienced in Deciding The Historical Calendar Of Western Zhou While Implementing "The Project to Divide The Xia,Shang and Zhou Dynasties对“夏商周断代工程”西周历谱的两次考验
4.Zhou Nation s Establishment and the Relation between Shang and Zhou Dynasty;古书与古文字中所见周族的起源与商周关系
5.The Research Method of the Division Project of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the Determination of the Western Zhou Dynasty;夏商周断代工程的研究方法和西周王年的解决
6.On the Construction and Integration of Shangzhou Theocracy试论商周神权政治的构建与整合 ——兼论商周时期的日神与天神崇拜
7.Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project and the Study of Archaeological Cultures in the Xia and Shang Periods夏商周断代工程与夏商考古学文化研究
8.Business cycle; trade cycle商业周期,经济周期
9.turnover rate [of funds, commodities]周转率[资金、商品
10.paintings of Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties andSpring and Autumn Period商-西周-春秋绘画
11.turnover rate of merchandise current capital商品流动资金周转率
12.arts and carfts of Xia, Shang and Western zhou Dynasties夏-商-西周工艺美术
13.I order the Business Weekly every year.我每年定购商业周刊。
14.Hicks's trade cycle theory希克斯商业周期理论
15.On the Influence of Qi Culture upon Zhoucun and its Commercial Groups齐文化对周村商埠文化和周村商帮的影响
16.Today some people like to go shopping on Saturday and Sunday.如今有些人喜欢周六和周日去逛商店。
17.Business cycles are recurring cycles of economic events.商业周期是经济活动重复发生的周期。
18.This supermarket turns over its stock very rapidly.这家超级商场商品周转很快。

Shang and Zhou商周
1.Coin Names Inscribed on Shang and Zhou Period Metal Coins with the Value Corresponding to the Weight and the Evolution of these Names;商周时期金属称量货币的自名名称及其嬗变
2.Testification of the Legitimacy of Zhou Gong acting as Regent and a Discussion of the Phenomenon of Following Conventions and Traditions in Shang and Zhou Dynasties;周公摄政合法性证明——兼论商周制度因袭现象
3.This paper makes a typological study of the bronze bow - shaped tools of the Shang and Zhou dynasty, and discusses their evolution and distributio本文对商周青铜弓形器进行了分类研究,并探讨了其形制演变和空间分布。
1.Since the thirties of this century, the source of the great amounts of copper material in Shang-Zhou Periods has remained an unsettled problem puzzling many scholars.本世纪30年代以来,商周时期巨大数量的铜料来源,一直成为众多学者关注的学术悬案。
2.The finds provide rich materials for understanding the Shang-Zhou culture in Anyang region and studying the cultura.2004年9~11月,为配合安阳至林州的高速公路建设,河南省文物考古研究所对安阳市西高平遗址进行了发掘,发掘面积2300平方米,发现先商时期、商代晚期、西周、东周文化遗存,尤以西周文化遗存最为丰富,出土陶、石、骨、蚌、玉、铜器等遗物,为了解安阳地区商周时期的文化面貌提供了较丰富的实物资料,尤其是西周早期文化遗存的发现,对研究商代晚期的王畿地区在商灭亡后的文化特征及其反映的社会变迁等具有十分重要的意义。
4)The Shang and Zhou Dynasties商周
1.All kinds of patterns relating to casting process are often to be seen on the bottom of bronze vessels in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.商周青铜容器底部常见各种与铸造工艺有关的刻划。
5)Shang-Zhou period商周墓地
6)Perimeter quotient周界商
