1.The problem of homosexuality is one of the important themes in Tony Kushner s two- part play, Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes.同性爱问题是托尼·科希纳著名的剧作品《天使在美国:Gay幻想下的民族主题》里边很重要的主题之一。

1.Lesbian love(女性间的)同性爱
2.Unique Scenery of Women s Writing--The Lesbian s Description;女性书写的独特风景——双镯式同性爱
3.Lesbianism was considered a crime against nature.同性爱被看作是一种违反自然的罪过。
4.of or concerning homosexual love.指同性恋爱的或者与同性恋爱相关的。
5.Our sexual love differs essentially from the simple sexual desire, the Eros, of the ancients.现代的性爱,同单纯的性爱,同古代的爱,是根本不同的。
6.Sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.同性恋爱对同性的性倾向
7."Then Jonathan and David made an agreement together, because of Jonathan's love for David."约拿单爱大卫如同爱自己的性命,就与他结盟。
8.And most importantly, you need to love someone of the opposite sex who will love you.更重要的是,你想得到同样爱你的异性的爱。
9.Then Jonathan and David made an agreement together, because of Jonathans love for David.3约拿单爱大卫如同爱自己的性命、就与他结盟。
10.sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex.在性爱上吸引不同性别的社会成员。
11.The androgynous new image of woman:An analysis of Jane Eyre;双性同体的新女性——简·爱形象新析
12.Of or concerning homosexual love and desire;amatory.同性恋的同性间的爱欲的,与之有关的;色情的
13.A favored female companion or sweetheart.女朋友最喜欢的女性同伴或爱人
14.a gay person, club, bar搞同性恋爱的人、 俱乐部、 酒吧
15.The Identification of Women through Translation: Perspective from Contrastive Study of Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre;从《简·爱》译本看翻译中的女性身份认同
16.His hobbies are quite distinct from his work.他的业余爱好同他的工作性质截然不同。
17.The Narration of Lesbianism in Modern Chinese Literature and the Gender;中国现代文学女性同性之爱的叙事与性别
18.sexually attracted to members of your own sex.在性爱上吸引与自己相同性别的社会成员。

love between the same sex同性爱恋
1.The data revealed in this report were also used to calculate the percentage of homosexuals and bisexuals in the whole human population.金西在1948年出版的人类男性性行为的权威报告中,有关同性性行为发生率的调查数据,是后来学界最常引用的重要数据,而且常被认定是同性爱者及双性爱者(同/双性恋)占全人类人口中的百分率数据。
4)Homogeneous affection同性情爱
6)love with the other sex与同性恋爱

性爱气质美感性爱气质美感temperament aesthetic feeling of sexual love  性爱气质美感(temperament aesthetiefeeling of sexual love)性对象的内在心理特点的美感,主要包括:(l)性爱的力感。沉着、执著、刚毅、豁达、豪放、爽朗、乐观、好胜、倔强、坚韧、暴烈、威严、大胆、果断、勇敢、泼辣、狂热等性格特征都会表现出力量。(2)性爱的柔感。柔弱、顺从、温和、体贴、深情、依赖等性格特征都会表现出柔美。(3)性爱的智感。主要是由交谈中的睿智和幽默、举止中的聪慧和机智表现出来的,智感在气质美中会越来越成为核心。性气质美可以增强外表征美,外表征美也能反映人的性气质美。 (陈若菊撰茜香嘉审)