1.Its emergence benefited by the affects of international environmental democracy,and it was the reactionary aspect of ignorance,conservativeness and autocracy.它的出现得益于国际环境的正面 (民主 )影响 ,是蒙昧、保守和专制的反面 ;而这一局面的消失又与教条主义作祟、封建主义死灰复燃、党内政治生活不民主紧密相关。
2.In Henan Longshan culture the need of coutresy system in social development is the prime cause of emergence of prehistoric square walled towns.中国史前方形城址的出现,最早发生在龙山时代的中原地区。

1.To appear or arise unexpectedly or suddenly.突然出现出其不意地突然出现或显现
2.Something goes wrong某事上出问题,出现差错
3.Appear or occur, esp when not expected出现,发生(尤指出乎意料)
4.(of an opportunity)present itself;happen(指机会)出现,到来
5.(b) The company is in payment difficulties.(二) 出现支付困难。
6.A deliverer was raised up.救星(突然)出现
7.(of a ship) withdrawn from active service.(指舰)退出现役的。
8.(prefix) coming after.(前缀)之后出现的。
9.Hey! The band 2266 just turned up.喂!2266乐团出现了。
10.Mom is now on television妈妈现在出现在电视上
11.appearance: The act or an instance of coming into sight.出现,显露: 出现的动作或情况。
12.To cause(light) to appear suddenly or in intermittent bursts.突然出现使(光)突然出现或间歇闪耀
13.appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground.在地面上出现,在地层的表面出现
14.atmospheric phenomena accompanying the daily appearance of the sun.伴随每日日出后出现的大气现象。
15.Our trade is in surplus, ie We are exporting more than we are importing.我国贸易出现出超(出口量大於进口量).
16.But now there are more ripples -- a rival is approaching.但现在又出现了更多的水波纹,一位对手出现了。
17.The act or process of emerging.浮现,出现浮现的动作或过程
18.esp. of something momentous.尤其指重大事物的出现

1.Because of its appearance,some problems in the society have been also revealed.法轮功邪教是当代中国社会有机体的“毒瘤”,但它的出现也暴露了社会中存在的问题。
1.Exist and a presence sentence express someone or something exist,present or disappear in some place.存现句是处所词语作主语, 全句表示什么地方存在、出现或消失了什么人或什么事物的句子。
6)to reveal; to display; to show; to emerge现出

出现【出现】 (术语)佛菩萨自实身现化身出于世也。法华经方便品曰:“诸佛世尊,唯以一大事因缘故出现于世。”