弓箭,Bow and arrow
1)Bow and arrow弓箭
1.With the development of the socity,bow and arrow evoluted from tools of labour to military weapows and sports gradually.弓箭是人类最早所使用的劳动工具之一 。

1.- Archers to the battlements!-弓箭手到城垛去!
2.- Light your arrows.- Light arrows.-弓箭手,准备-弓箭手,准备<p>-射-射
3.One that shoots with a bow and arrow.弓箭手用弓和箭射击的人
4.a good shot with the rifle and the Bow.枪和弓箭都射得很准
5.skilled in the use of the Bow and arrow.对弓箭的使用很娴熟
6.disclosing a rude bow and arrow,找出一副简陋的弓箭
7.primitive weapons,eg bows and arrows,spears原始的武器(如弓箭、矛).
8.He was the best bow in the country.他是国内最好的弓箭手。
9.Elisha said," Get a bow and some arrows," and he did so.以利沙对他说,你取弓箭来。王就取了弓箭来。
10.Elisha said, "Get a bow and some arrows," and he did so.15以利沙对他说,你取弓箭来。王就取了弓箭来。
11.a medieval English archer who used a longbow.使用大弓的英国中世纪的弓箭手。
12.a protective pad strapped to the bow arm of an archer.绑在弓箭手弓臂上的防护垫
13."He was troubled by the archers; they sent out their arrows against him, cruelly wounding him:"弓箭手将他苦害,向他射箭,逼迫他。
14.The best archer would be awarded a golden arrow.最优秀的弓箭手将获得一只金箭。
15.The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow.射箭运动员,弓箭手用弓箭射击的技艺、运动或技巧
16.Peasant Archers are accustomed to using their bow for hunting.农民弓箭手拿着的是他们打猎时用的弓。
17.a bow drawn by hand as distinguished from a crossbow.一种从石弓中分化出来的用手来发射的弓箭
18.One had a bow and arrow raised to shoot, but seeing the girl, he lowered it其中一个人举起弓箭要射,但是当他看到姑娘以后,便放下了弓箭

1.The Manufacture and Management of Bow and Arrow in Qing Dynasty;清代满族弓箭的制作及管理
2.Xinjiang Xibo Nationality s Arrow Culture Analysis;新疆锡伯族的弓箭文化底蕴分析
3.It showed that the prevailing of arrow was the base for (developing) hunting into sports.从中可以看出,随着弓箭的盛行和推广,为其逐渐发展成为体育打下了基础。
1.As an important part of traditional sports culture of Xibo nationality,archery culture is one whose influence is longest,strongest and widest.弓箭文化是锡伯族传统体育文化中的一个重要组成部分,是一项影响民族时间最长、力度最大、范围也最广的文化类型,其文化的性质随着民族的发展发生了多次变迁,体现了锡伯族的社会发展进程、文化的渊源及文化特点。
4)bows for archery箭弓
5)Deratization of Bow and Arrow弓箭灭治
6)bow-arrow" principle"弓箭"法则
1.The pressure-point lies on the mid--axis line of the "bow-arrow" principle; so, the principle, i.此受力点位于“弓箭”法则的中轴线上,从而为推覆构造中“弓箭”法则,即推覆体的中轴线一般是最大位移距离线作出了动力学论证。

弓箭手1.即弓手。 2.操弓箭的士卒。