1.Mao was also the first to expound correctly,profoundly and all-sidedly Lu Xun s glorious achievements,high position and tremendous role in the history of modern Chinese literature,the history of thinking and the revolutionary history.毛泽东高度评价鲁迅不但是伟大的文学家,而且是伟大的思想家和伟大的革命家

1.Memoirs of A Revolutionist一个革命家的回忆录
2.All of the above reflected the difference between the revolutionary actor and the learned revolutionist.上述比较反映出革命行动家和“有学问的革命家”的差异
3.Yang Yu lin was a famous bourgeois democratic revolutionist and propagator.杨毓麟是辛亥革命时期杰出的资产阶级民主革命家、宣传家。
4.A Revolutionist s Life: My Reflections on Qu Qiubai s Superfluous Words;瞿秋白:革命家的一生——读《多余的话》
5.Hunan Revolutionist Group and the Foundation of CCP.;湘籍革命家群体与中国共产党的创建
6.a nation ripe for revolution革命时机已成熟的国家.
7.a country seething with revolution因革命而动荡的国家
8.Studies in the "Revolution": Its Causes, Nature and Purpose;“革命”研究:革命的原因、性质和目的——从《国家与社会革命》谈起
9.Jumping Out of the Trap of Family Businesses--On the Revolution of Family Entrepreneurs;跃出家族企业的陷阱——论家族企业家革命
10.Present situation and reform in the basic education of old liberated area in the city of Shijiazhuang;石家庄市革命老区基础教育现状与改革思路
11.The state confiscated land from those who opposed the revolution.国家将那些反对革命的人的土地充公。
12.The revolution threatened the interests of the Bourgeois.这场革命威胁到这些资本家的利益。
13.The Change of Family System in the Industrial Revolution of England英国工业革命时期的家庭体制变迁
14.After the revolution, the climate of the country remained tense.革命以后,那个国家的气氛依然紧张。
15.The historian explored the causes of the revolution.该历史学家探究了这次革命的根源。
16.system of preferential treatment to the revolutionary armymen and their family members优待抚恤革命军人及其家属制度
17.This volume records the history of the country's revolution.这卷书记载了这个国家的革命历史。
18.The style of these appointments has disheartened pro-market reformers.这些任命使亲市场的改革家沮丧万分。

1.Was Kuhn a conservative or a revolutionist? Recently,some writers represented Kuhn as a conservative thinker base on Kuhn s linguistic turn and his critical attitude to SSK.库恩究竟是革命家还是改良派?针对库恩1980年代以来的语言转向及对科学知识社会学的态度,从政治和哲学上对库恩进行的保守解读,可能为我们提供一个更为真实的库恩形象。
2.Marx is first of all a revolutionist,although he has made great contributions to the society throughout his life.马克思首先是一位革命家,他一生贡献颇多,但只有创立国际工人协会才是他全部事业的顶峰,是值得"自豪"的伟大的贡献。
3)revolutionary writers革命作家
1.When seen the inter struggle between LuXun and those revolutionary writers from the perspective of Contemporary Mainland Literature s historical lessons,it is not personal religious struggle or factionalism any more.从当代大陆文学的历史教训来重新审视鲁迅与革命作家的内部斗争,就不只是宗派主义、门户之见的意气之争,而是鲁迅试图纠正革命作家某些“左”的做法,阻止阶级写作形态的泛滥和政治文艺的形成,维护个体性自由创作所做的努力。
2.The"revolutionary literary"movements have been filled with bad habits of factionalism, as is evident in the followings: the revolutionary writers in the Sunlight Association, the Later Creation Association, etc.太阳社、后期创造社等革命作家,对"五四"文学与作家进行了重新评价,批判一切的决绝冲动显示出他们对待文学遗产的虚妄态度;作家战线的营垒划分又表现出"唯我独革"的"霸权"姿态。
4)family raevolution家庭革命
5)clan revolution家族革命
6)Revolutionary family革命家庭
