1.Sanniangzi s Contribution on the Friendship between Mongolia and Han in Late Ming Dynasty;三娘子对明末蒙汉和平友好关系的贡献
2.Sanniangzi was an outstanding female politician of Mongolian nationality during Longqin and Wanli time in Ming Dynasty.三娘子是明朝隆庆、万历年间一位杰出的蒙古族女政治家。
3.Sanniangzi is a women hero of Mongolian, at the same time, her understanding of China\'s history also had a very far-reaching consequences.三娘子是蒙古族的女英雄,同时,她对中国的历史也产生了极其深远的影响。

1.On the Relationship Between Mongolian and the Hans in the Late of Ming Dynasty through San Niangzi's Marrying Four Kings三娘子四嫁顺义王与明末蒙汉关系
2.The Original story of Aunt Lotus in Strange Stories from a Scholar s Studio;《聊斋志异·荷花三娘子》本事琐证
3.Sanniangzi s Contribution on the Friendship between Mongolia and Han in Late Ming Dynasty;三娘子对明末蒙汉和平友好关系的贡献
4.A bride is diligent for three days.新娘子三天勤快。(新官上任三把火。)
5.Sung Tzu Niangniang [goddess of childbearing]送子娘娘[生育之神
6.It is said that she was the 23rd daughter of the Western Goddess Mother,据说她是西母娘娘的第二十三个女儿,
7.The Bitterness and Dream of Confined Maidens Cinderella and the Third Miss;灰姑娘与三姑娘闺阁中的无奈和梦想
8.Though a mother give Birth to nine sons, all nine will be different一娘养九子九子九个心
9.Although she was a young girl, how could she compare with the Peony Fairy?虽然一个小家女子,怎比得上牡丹娘娘!
10.The Silkworm Goddess had been beneficent to the tiny village this year.今年蚕花娘娘保佑这小小的村子。
11.Another Kind of Uglification: to Interpret Outlaws of the Marshels Revolving around Three women;另一种丑化——以扈三娘、孙二娘、顾大嫂为考察对象
12.The bride was a lovely vision.新娘子模样儿很可爱。
13."Here's a lucky girl!"“这娘子多大的福气呀
14.The Prince and his bride began the dance.王子和新娘开始跳舞。
15.Son-of-a-bitch didn't even stopus car."狗娘养的连车子都没停。”
16."Imagine, ma! My man is talking of leaving!“大娘,你瞧,我家汉子想走
17.The prince sees Cinderella.王子看到了灰姑娘。
18.The prince was ravished By Cinderella's Beauty.王子被灰姑娘的美丽迷

Third Wife Lectures Her Son三娘教子
3)Aunt Lotus荷花三娘子
1.The Original story of Aunt Lotus in Strange Stories from a Scholar s Studio;《聊斋志异·荷花三娘子》本事琐证
4)The Research on Document of Sanniangzi三娘子文献考
1.Flora Composition and Distribution of Macroalgae in Niangziguan Stream;娘子关泉域大型藻类植物区系组成和分布特点的研究
6)Chen San and Wu Niang陈三五娘
1.Of all the literary styles of Chen San and Wu Niang,like folk songs,spoken operas,traditional operas,fictions,legends,the earliest kind,as far as we know,is the traditional operas,which include Story of Lizhi and Mirror(《荔镜记》) in the 45th year of the Jiajing period of the Ming dynasty(1566) and Story of Lizhi(《荔枝记》)in the 9th year of the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty(1581).在所有关于陈三五娘的文学作品如歌谣、说唱、戏曲、小说、传说等诸种体裁中,今天能够看到的最古老的版本却属戏曲类型,有刊刻于明嘉靖四十五年(1566年)的《荔镜记》和刊刻于万历九年(1581年)的《荔枝记》。

三娘子Sanniangzi三娘子(1550~1612)明代蒙古土默特部首领,俺答汗之妾。又称钟金哈屯、也儿克兔哈屯(哈屯,蒙语为夫人之意),本为俺答汗外孙女,先已许嫁鄂尔多斯,后为俺答占为己有。她以聪颖英俊,擅长骑射,长于蒙古文字而深得俺答宠爱,诸事多取其裁夺。明隆庆二年(1568)偕同俺答汗出征瓦。四年(1570),因俺答之孙把汉那吉降明而开始明蒙和谈,三娘子力主与明朝贡市,发展通商贸易。次年封贡事成,她又辅佐俺答主持贡市,密切与明边臣的联系,积极维护和执行封贡协议,发展了蒙古地区与中原的经济贸易往来。六年,与俺答汗赴青海谒见达赖三世,使嘛教格鲁派(黄教)传入蒙古族地区。俺答于万历九年(1581)卒后,她执掌权柄,率子上书明廷表示继续忠顺,并与属下立誓,执行俺答时期与明朝的封贡之议。十一年,从明朝之劝,依当时蒙古族的习俗再醮第二代顺义王辛爱,嗣封为忠顺夫人,保持了蒙古内部的安定及同明朝的平安互市关系,促进了社会经济的进一步发展。十三年(1585)辛爱死,续嫁第三代顺义王扯力克,令行塞外,为各部所推重。十七年扯力克入青海,与火落赤等部扰掠洮河地区,明蒙关系恶化。后由于她从中斡旋,一度中止的贡市得以恢复。四十年卒。她在明与蒙、藏友好关系中作出了特殊贡献,长期受到蒙汉人民的尊敬和纪念。                 薄音湖