1.The competitive sports in the modern times reflect the dream of duel.决斗是西方盛行一时的社会现象,也是古已有之的古老遗风。
2.Through the description of dueling, the writers try hard to portray every level of the society, stress the cultural life that noble stratum advocates, express their own attitudes toward social life, and state their personal understanding of death culture.“决斗”作为一种特殊的社会现象有其产生和发展的历史背景,它在18世纪俄国文学作品中占有重要的地位。

1.They decided to settle their qurrel by a duel.他们决定以决斗来解决他们的纷争。
2.A duel or battle with firearms.枪战用火器进行的决斗或战斗
3.His opponent defied him to a duel.他的敌手挑激他决斗
4.That's where I usually fight my duels.我经常在那儿进行决斗。”
5.One meeting was unavoidable.一次决斗是不可避免的。
6.Fight, and we shall see who the weaker man is!@ said Mercutio.决斗吧,看看谁才是弱者
7.He has been on the ground many times.他同人决斗过多次。
8.Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters : Kettou Toshi Densetsu游戏王-决斗都市传说
9.A woman might hire a champion.妇女可以雇佣决斗士。
10.Passion and Withering--Analysis of Russian Duel History and Duel Plot in Pushkin s Works;激情与凋零——俄国决斗历史及普希金作品中决斗情节之分析
11.The Duel Style: The Philosophical Interpretation to Sports from Human Spirit of the Duel决斗的风范:从人类决斗精神中对体育运动的哲学解读
12.A prearranged, formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a point of honor.决斗预先安排的两人间正式格斗,一般是通过斗争解决关系到荣誉的某件事,某一点
13.A pledge of personal combat to resolve an issue or a case.誓约用私人决斗来解决一个问题或案子的誓约
14.revenge for an insult,etc,esp(formerly)by means of duelling(受辱后的)复仇,(尤指旧时)决斗
15.We'll fight a duel in the park at five o'clock tomorrow morning.“明天凌晨五点我们在公园里举行决斗。”
16.Gird yourself for the battle, he thought.决心斗一场吧,他想。
17.Hurling insults and threats is no way to fight.辱骂和恐吓决不是战斗。
18.Fight the dispute out以斗争方式解决争端。

judicial duel司法决斗
1.Although regarded as superstition,judicial duel,which was not an irrational procedure but had par ticular functions,came into being and functioned in special historical background and social situations.尽管被视为迷信,但司法决斗绝非背离理性而存在,其产生和运作植根于特定的历史背景和社会状况,具有独特功能。
3)the duel of honor荣誉决斗
4)a single combat两人决斗
5)a field of honour决斗场
1.According to original variation of the current junior officers,and quick improvement of new equipment\'s functions,to adapt to the complicated information-based battlefield circumstances,and play the main role in land battle,the component elements and implementation approaches of the training system for junior officers\' fighting-determination were studied.战斗决心能力是战术素养的重要组成,是研究部(分)队战斗力生成的关键问题之一。

决斗决斗duel  决4[山..;及y3几‘] 一种涉及时刻选择的对策(即n坦~】访ngthecheiee of the moIT‘nt oft此),它描述如下类型的冲突.两个对手在一定的时间期限内可以互相射击,然而供他们使用的武器仅有限定数目的子弹.局中人的策略是开火时刻的选择.支付函数定义为某个取有限多个值的随机变量的数学期望,这有限多个值对应于决斗的结果.根据是否掌握有关对手行动的信息,决斗可分为有噪声和无噪声的(寂静的).例如,每个局中人可以发射一发子弹,并且这一发务必在区间[0,11内发射,而准确度函数(即局中人工和n的击中概率)分别为p(x)和q妙);那么,若局中人.工击毙11,则他得到l点;若他自己被击毙,则失去l点;在所有其他情形下,他得到的均为0;这时支付函数X扛,y)为: 在有噪声的决斗中 _n(x、一(l一n(x)、suoa(价,xy; 沈>y 在寂静的决斗中 ,n(x)一(1一刀〔劝)a〔价.xy· 正在研究中的包括这样一些决斗:在这些决斗中对手都有几次射击任凭他们安排,或者是容许以连续的方式去消耗可采用的装备.