1.Sade is one of the earliest feminism writer in history.然而其女权思想又体现出一种似是而非的矛盾性。

1.Women s Education in Late Qing Dynasty and the Germination of Chinese Women s Right Thoughts;晚清女子教育与中国女权思想的萌动
2.The Female Concept of the Taoism And the Ecoloical Women Rights;道教贵柔守雌女性观与生态女权思想
3.Eastward spread of western culture and the form of the women right s ideas in modern China;西学东渐与中国近代女权思想的形成
4.On the Development of Toni Morrison s Feminist Thoughts;托尼·莫里森创作中女权思想的演变
5.Perplexity in The Awakening --With a Concurrent Comment on Kate Chopin s Feminist Thinking;《觉醒》中的困惑——兼评肖邦的女权思想
6.On Lawrence s Feminist Consciousness Embodied in Cocksure Women and Hensure Men;从《自信的女人和温驯的男人》看劳伦斯女权思想
7.Research on Feminism of the New Clerisies in the May 4~(th) Period;五四时期新型知识分子的女权思想研究
8.Feministic ideas expressed in Miss Xiguan--An analysis of the works by writers from Guangdong and Guangxi《西关小姐》女权思想探析——两广作家作品分析之一
9.The Development of Women s Value View and the Brewing of Feminist Right Thoughts in Classical Poetry Chosen in the Testbooks for Middle School Students;中学语文古诗文中女性价值观的发展和女权思想的酝酿
10.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读
11.The purpose of this thesis is to explore Erica Jong’s feminist spirit and thinking in the novel Fear of Flying.琼小说《怕飞》中的女权主义思想和精神。
12.A Tentative Study on Virginia Woolf s Feminism;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女权主义思想探究
13.The Golden Notebook and Lessing s Feminist Ideas;《金色笔记》与莱辛的女权主义思想
14.Ideological Manifestation of Feminism in Ba Jin′s “Love Trilogy”;《爱情三部曲》中的女权主义思想表现
15.Exploration of The Origin of Feminism by Daphne du Maurier达夫妮·杜穆里埃的女权主义思想探源
16.On the Thought of Women's Suffrage of Bertrand Russell伯特兰·罗素的妇女选举权思想论析
17.A Deception to Female of Consumption Society s Ideology;发端于“女性范例”的布希亚女权主义思想
18.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响

Feminism thoughts女权思想
1.The feminism thoughts of Xiao Hong s works are mostly represented in two sides.萧红作品中的女权思想主要表现在两个方面 :一方面 ,是她赞颂女性 ,在《呼兰河传》和《生死场》的女性描写中 ,她称赞 :女性的人品高尚 ,性格坚强、刚毅 ,不向封建道德观念与黑暗恶势力屈服 ,敢于同命运抗争 ;另一方面 ,她鄙视男性 ,抨击和嘲讽男性 ,如在《逃难》和《马伯乐》中 ,对她的这种思想体现得尤为突出 ,她觉得 :男人貌似强大 ,了不起的样子 ,其实思想卑微、自私自利。
3)revelation of feminism女权思想的启示
1.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响
5)Black Feminist Ideology黑人女权主义思想
6)On Yanfu s Feminism论严复的女权思想
