1.On the Issues of Dibao in Han Dynasty——Concurrently on Ge Gongzhen's View of "Dibao in Han Dynasty"汉代邸报问题辨析——兼论戈公振的“邸报说”
2.It tries to answer these questions: Why does Dibao have so many alternative names? Whether is there news reported by Dibao itself? When did the first civilian Baofang establish? What is the relationship between Titang and Baofang针对清朝“古代报刊”在史料史实及体制、形式、内容的认知上尚存在的一些歧义,本文围绕邸报为什么会有许多异称、邸报中刊有发报人自采的社会新闻吗、清朝民间报房出现于何时、提塘和报房之间是何关系等几方面,作了尽可能的考订。

1.On the Issues of Dibao in Han Dynasty--Concurrently on Ge Gongzhen's View of "Dibao in Han Dynasty"汉代邸报问题辨析——兼论戈公振的“邸报说”
2.On Differences and Similarities of Zhaobao and Dibao in Tang and Song Dynasty;略论唐、宋“朝报”和“邸报”的异同
3.A Discussion of The Official Residence News Bulletin in the Song Dynasty:Its Character and Evolution in the Content Editted;论宋代邸报的性质及编辑内容的嬗变
4.“The Capital Gazatte”, first published in the Han Dynasty (206 B. C.-220 A. D.), was the earliest newspaper in the world.创始于中国汉代的《邸报》是世界上最早的报纸。
5."Accepting his advice, Yucun went back alone to verify the report from the Court Gazette.""雨村领其意,作别回至馆中,忙寻邸报看真确了."
6.Textual Research on the Chinese Words"Interview"And"Gazette"关于“采访”“朝报”二词的考证——兼与廖基添先生商榷“邸报”的性质
7.The Written language Delivery between the Government and the Locality of the Song Dynasty;宋代朝廷与地方之间的“文字”传递——围绕邸报及其相关问题而展开
8.His claim that the first appearance of the court aviso was in Tang dynasty has been the basic statement for supporting the study of the history of Chinese news promulgation.他关于邸报“唐时已有”的论断 ,迄今仍是支撑中国新闻传播史研究的基本课题之一。
9.The Post wrote that the revelations of Iran's cooperation were made in an interview with Prince Saud at his residence in Jeddah.邮报写道,绍德亲王是在他位于吉达的官邸接受该报专访时,披露了伊朗的合作举动。
10.Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.宅邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地
11.The author thinks that Guan Di Ge is,namely,a post and rank for a person to be in charge of Guan Di,a place for storing the military supplies.笔者认为 ,“关邸阁”即“管邸阁”,意即仓中之“管邸阁者”,故当为职衔之谓。
12.It's the Governor Gary Locke's residence.那是州长骆家辉的官邸,
13.a moated manor house有护城河的领主邸宅.
14.- The manor house.- Look at that.-是领主的宅邸-看看
15.The mansion is shorn of its splendors.此邸已失去豪华景象。
16.The official residence of a high dignitary, such as a bishop or an archbishop.宅邸高官显贵的正式官邸,如主教或大主教
17.Doubtless there was a large sweep of park and a broad glassy pool in front of that mansion.毫无疑问,私邸前面有一大片邸园,还有清澈如镜的大池塘。
18."Flagstaff House, Cotton Tree Drive, Central"中区红棉路旧三军司令官邸

official gazette邸报
1.Textual Research of the First Appearance of the Term of Official Gazette;“邸报”名称首次出现时间新考
3)dibao in Song dynasty宋代邸报
4)Dibao in Ming Dynasty明代邸报
1.Under the influence of its contents of the report and the frame of communication,Tangbao in Ming Dynasty compared with Dibao in Ming Dynasty has markedly dissimilar in terms of information source,contents,genre,distribution and function.受其报道内容和传播体制的影响,明代塘报在信源、内容、体裁、发行、传播功能等方面均与明代邸报有着明显的不同,其报道风格的简洁、直白,通俗易懂,以及真实、准确、及时等特点,使之在当时的新闻传播体系中独树一帜。
5)the Di newspaper and the Xiao newspaper of the Song Dynasty宋代邸报和小报
1.After the Song-Taizong s time, the person who has the experience of Fan-di will be the strong candidate of the general of San-ya.宋太宗以后 ,藩邸背景成为入选三衙将帅的重要条件 ,而对能力和素质却往往忽略 ,这就不可避免地产生了极大的消极影响。
