1.About Some Issues in Emendation——a case study on"Jinlouzi";有关校雠学的几个问题——以《金楼子》为个案
2.The Commentary of Xiao Yi and the Research History of his Jinlouzi(《金楼子》);萧绎及其《金楼子》研究史述评
3.Xiaoyi and His Jinlouzi;萧绎及其《金楼子》论稿

1.Probing into the Reasons Why Jin Lou Zi Wasn t Recorded in Liang Shu;《梁书》不载《金楼子》考——兼论《梁书》编撰问题
2.About Some Issues in Emendation--a case study on"Jinlouzi";有关校雠学的几个问题——以《金楼子》为个案
3.and fifty shekels weight of gold was used for the nails. He had all the higher rooms plated with gold.金钉重五十舍客勒。楼房都贴上金子。
4.Examination and Discussion of Jingling "Shilin"竟陵“士林”考论——读《金楼子·说蕃》
5.With that she flew downstairs and out of the house to the alleyway.于是玛金就像一阵风似的跑下了楼,跑出了这屋子,跑出了那衖堂。
6.GZ Polymer Alloy Membrane Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Hollow Floor Quality ControlGZ高分子合金组合芯模现浇空心楼盖施工质量控制
7.Looking at the grimy, ragged children, the old man sighed and shook his head. "But as long as you're on his land you must pay Landlord Wu the deposit and rent.老头子望望那些脏污褴楼的孩子,摇摇头,叹口气,“你种人家的地,你总得要出押金纳租子的!
8.clip carpet, of base metal, for staircases楼梯地毯夹,贱金属制
9.The upstairs, so rumor said, was fitted out with the finest of plush upholstered furniture, heavy lace curtains and imported mirrors in gilt frames.据说楼上配备着最上等的豪华家俱,沉甸甸的花边窗帘和进口的金框镜子。
10.But a flu pandemic, in the words of one financial regulator, would be more like a neutron bomb:“ The buildings would be left standing with no one left in them.不过,一位金融监管人士认为禽流感大流行更像是一颗中子弹:“那些建筑物将人去楼空。
11.C:King Meng-fu of 2F 16 Chin Shan South Road, Taipei.台北市金山南路16号2楼的金孟芙。
12.Attachment booking deposit paid by the Housing flats as" a mirage"?付了定金楼盘却被查封预订房成“海市蜃楼”?
13.He lives in a house of two storeys.他住的是两层楼的房子。
14.The children pounded up the stairs.孩子们吵闹地走上楼梯
15.The desk downstairs is old .楼下那张桌子是旧的。
16.The table upstairs is long.楼上那张桌子是长方桌。
17.I carried the bag up the stairs.我把袋子搬到楼上。
18.an old chair that had been consigned to the attic搬到了阁楼上的旧椅子.

Jin Lou Zi《金楼子》
1.Probing into the Reasons Why Jin Lou Zi Wasn t Recorded in Liang Shu;《梁书》不载《金楼子》考——兼论《梁书》编撰问题
3)Jin Lou Zi金楼子
1.Collative Reading Notes on Jin Lou Zi;《金楼子》校读札记几则
4)Studies on the 'Jin Lou Zi'《金楼子》研究
5)the time of completing Jin Lou Zi《金楼子》成书时间
1.Exploration into the Jinlou Carving and its Cultural Connotations;顺德碧江金楼的雕刻艺术与文化内涵初探
