1.Mishujian(秘书监)and Zhuzuolang(著作郎) as the state s press institutions, had a further development during the West and East Jin Dynasties.作为国家编撰出版机构,秘书监、著作郎等到两晋时期有了进一步发展,这个发展可概括为几个方面:首先,二者职掌更加明确,朝着专职图书编撰机构的方向靠近,主要职掌图书典籍的编撰、收集、整理,而与现实政治之间愈加疏远;其次,二者的组成人员、办事机构都已经基本固定,都有固定朝服,其人选在多数情况下,由本省长官独立选取;再次,已从著作官员发展成为著作局,隶属于秘书监,并从此摆脱隶属中书省的地位而独立成府。
2.The rulers of Wei appointed special historiographers called ZhuZuoLang(a person whose responsibility is to compile historical works),which has formally established ZhuZuoLang system and separated the duties of historiographers and astronomer.此间,史官制度发生了重大的转变,曹魏统治者设立了专职修史官员——著作郎,正式确立了著作官制度,使得史官与天官正式分离,表明官方对史学控制的空前加强。
2)assistant composer佐著作郎
3)the work assists the court attendant著作佐郎
4)Investigation on Tang Dynasty's ZhuZuoLang唐代著作郎官述论
1.The appraisal of fifty-five years research works on BAI Ju-yi;50年白居易研究著作述评
2.The appraisal of fifty years research works on HANYu;五十年韩愈研究著作述评

1.A work recognized as definitive in its field.经典著作在某领域内最有权威的著作
2.On the Copyright of Ma’s Grammar(马氏文通);从《著作权法》谈《马氏文通》的著作权问题
3.Discussion of the Copyright Restriction--thinking on new copyright law;论著作权限制——新著作权法解读思考
4.Restriction of "Law of Authorship" on Authorship;析我国新《著作权法》对著作权的限制
5.(of a literary work)published after its author's death(指著作)作者死后出版的
6.It is the most famous modern work about dreams.这是一本最著名的关于梦的现代著作
7.A Legal Plaint of My Own Monographs--Correction to Some Monographs in the Textually Research on Qing Poems;拙著自讼——几种清诗研究著作订正
8."Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License."本著作"意指在本合约之条款下所提供可受著作权保护之著作
9.This book will appear in parts这部著作将分册出版。
10.He ranges with great writers.他与大著作家并驾齐驱。
11.He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他接连发表一系列著作
12.The bible of French cooking.法式烹饪的权威著作
13.I have philosophical writings of Sartre.我有沙特的哲学著作
14.Selections of Marx and Lenin's Classic Works ?马列经典著作选读(二)
15.feign authorship of a novel.See Synonyms at pretend冒充小说的著作人参见
16.Moliere: His Life and His Works莫里哀的生平及著作
17.Assignment of a patent or of a copyright专利或著作权的让与
18.He is emending classical authors.他在校勘古典著作

assistant composer佐著作郎
3)the work assists the court attendant著作佐郎
4)Investigation on Tang Dynasty's ZhuZuoLang唐代著作郎官述论
1.The appraisal of fifty-five years research works on BAI Ju-yi;50年白居易研究著作述评
2.The appraisal of fifty years research works on HANYu;五十年韩愈研究著作述评
1.Reviewing for five books about scientometrics in China;述评我国的五部科学计量学著作
2.1985-1990 was the primary stage,in which the Journal of Henan University initiated the column of "The Research on the Subject of Compiling",published a great number of articles and books on this field which were equally original in China;the university firstly recruited postgraduates of this major in China.这一时期,河南大学学报首创了“编辑学研究”栏目,在全国率先招收编辑学硕士研究生,发表了一大批编辑学研究文章,出版了第一批编辑学著作。
3.He wrote a lot of books in his life covering different cultural levels of the study of Confucian Classics,history,textual criticism on inscriptions on bronze ware and tablets,local chronicles,poems etc.一生著述宏富 ,著作涉及经学、史学、金石考据、方志、诗文等不同文化层面 ,具有丰富文化内涵。
