1.Dif - ferent from western drama,traditional Chinese opera takes the stage as the centre of surroundings,and thus forms the watching place,i.与西方戏剧不同,中国戏曲是以戏台为中心引入环境空间而形成观演场所——剧场。
2.The developing of opera push the developing of ancient stage forward, and from the middle Ming dynasty ,the building of stage continues.随着戏曲的发展而兴起的临川古戏台遍布城乡祠庙与街头广场,明中晚期兴起直至民国时期,兴建不断。

1.Researches on the Traditional Theatre Buildings in Shanxi Province--an analysis on the position of the stage;山西寺庙戏场建筑研究——戏台位置剖析
2.The throne is mounted on a stage-like platform.御座是放在象戏台一样的台上。
3.There is a big square, people often perform plays in the stage.这里有一个大广场,人们经常在戏台上演戏。
4.Singing on the Stage:to Explore Lingual Arts of Dong Drama戏台行歌——关于侗族戏剧语言艺术的研究
5.The Stage in Anthropology View;戏台与人生——评乔忠延《山西古戏台:豪华落尽见真淳》
6.Then anger followed on the heels of impatience;看台上依旧没有一个人影,戏台上仍然鸦雀无声。
7.They challenge me with opposing views.他们同我唱对台戏。
8.The play is back on the boards.这出戏重新搬上了舞台。
9.Theatrical arts or performances.戏剧表演或舞台艺术
10.With tourism paving the way for economic and trading activities旅游搭台,经贸唱戏
11.the production of a drama on the stage.戏剧在舞台上的演出。
12.The play was presented without a hitch.那台戏顺利地演完了。
13.... and... are setting themselves against each other.某人与某人唱对台戏。
14.not suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater.不适合舞台、戏院或者不具有舞台、戏院的特点。
15.leave the stage离开舞台,退出舞台(停止演戏)
16.This week's program showcased the first of five plays.本周的节目展示了五台戏的第一台。
17.A brief theatrical act or stage appearance.短剧,舞台表演短小的戏剧或舞台演出
18.Discussion on the Art of Theatrical TV Play论戏曲电视剧叙事艺术——兼与舞台戏曲之比较

Theater stage over the water水榭戏台
3)game platform游戏平台
1.Based on detailed analysis of game systems available,the basic models and game ability essentials were identified,and then a flexible layered mobile game platform architecture was proposed.对移动游戏领域系统进行细致的分析,从中识别出移动游戏系统的基本模型和游戏能力要素,提出了一种分层的柔性移动游戏平台架构。
2.Then we use a new networkgame platform based on P2P technology, taking advantage of peer-to-peeroverlay, it implements the internet service of mutiplayer networkgame.通过对当前游戏开发技术的研究发现:基于集中式的C/S架构的网络游戏平台已经不能很好地满足多人在线网络游戏关于可靠性和流畅度的要求。
4)Stage acoustics戏台声学
5)the stage position戏台位置
6)repair platform戏台修缮
