1.Compared with departmentalism, Supply Chain Perspective is more advanced in the epistemology and methodology.因而,在管理学的热点领域掀起重视供应链观念的热潮,企业危机管理理论也应从本位主义转向供应链观念。
2.As an essential form of white corruption,departmentalism of administrative legislation has always been neglected in the field of law,owing to its complexity and its technological and legal character.行政立法本位主义作为最主要的白色腐败形式 ,因其技术性、复杂性与“合法性”诸多特征 ,一直为法学界所忽视。

1.Departmentalism is the magnified individualism.本位主义是放大了的个人主义。
2.Otherwise, localism, departmentalism and "mountain-stronghold" mentality will result.不如此,就会发生地方主义、本位主义和山头主义。
3.At the same time, eliminate the remnants of opportunism and putschism and break down the selfish departmentalism of the Fourth Army.同时,还要肃清机会主义和盲动主义的残余,打破四军本位主义
4.On the Humanist Thought of Lao Tzu Based on Life;论生命本位主义的《老子》人生哲学
5.On Tensions between Patients Autonomy and Family Departmentalism;病人自主性与家庭本位主义之间的张力
6.Ⅰ - Oriented Self - Concept in English Culture and Others - Oriented Self - Concept in Chinese Culture--On Language Expressions Reflecting Different Culture Perceptions;英语文化的小我本位主义与汉语文化的大我本位主义——不同文化价值观在语言中的投影
7.The Introspection of State Standards in the Criminal Procedure Law of Our Country;对我国刑事诉讼法中国家本位主义的反思
8.From the "People-centered" Concept to the Realization of the "People-centralism";从“民本位”思想到民本主义的实现
9.On YE Sheng-tao s View of Centering and Facilitation in the Teaching of Chinese;论叶圣陶的本位主导观及其现实主义
10.rational egoism and utility理性的自我本位与功利主义
11.On the Authority Inclination in the Thought of Zhang Xue-cheng s Scholar Departmentalism;章学诚“士人本位”思想的权威主义倾向
12.The Historical Position of Capitalism in 20th Century;论20世纪资本主义发展的历史定位
13.The basic intension of Zhou Zuo-ren' s humanistic thought was before and after" the May4 th Movement": Humanitarianism of personal standard.“五四”前后周作人人道主义思想的基本内涵为:个人本位的人道主义。
14.The Theoritical Sign of Marxism in China-Also on the Historical Standing of Opposition Bookishness马克思主义中国化的理论标志——兼论《反对本本主义》的历史地位
15.The Status and Significance of Ontology in Marxism;本体论在马克思主义哲学中的地位和意义
16.On the Real Standard and Should Standard of Our Country's Tax Law--from State Standard to Humanism我国税法本位的实然与应然——从国家本位到人本主义
17.A Comparison of the New Democracy Cultural Theory and the Chinese-Centered Cultural Theory;新民主主义文化观与中国本位文化观比较审视
18.On the Fundamental Connotation and History Position of Harmonious Society of Socialism;社会主义和谐社会的基本内涵与历史定位

selfish depart mentalism of discipline学科本位主义
3)family departmentalism家庭本位主义
4)departmentalism of investigation侦查本位主义
5)departmentalism of trial审判本位主义
6)Self-centeredness of Stockholders股东本位主义
