1.This paper analyses systematically the words of divination of Wu Xian in (or Xian Wu; a Chinese famous astrologer about BC 1600) Kai Yuan Zhan Jing; astrological works of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907); in order to sum up the basic concept and general principle of the astrology of Wu Xian; thereby attempting to form the frame and method of operation of Wu s astrology.该文系统分析了唐代《开元占经》中的巫咸占辞,归结出玉咸星占的基本概念和一般原理,并由此企图构成巫咸星占的框架及操作方法。

1.Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such.星占学是研究行星对个人和人类的影响的科学。
2.A Comparison between Islamic Astrology and Traditional Chinese Astrology--A Case Study of Comparison between Mingyi Astronomy Book and Kaiyuanzhanjing伊斯兰星占学与中国传统星占学的比较——以《明译天文书》与《开元占经》的比较为例
3." There is time to do the right thing", this is astrology.“对的事情总有时间去做”,这就是星占学。
4.Astrologers say that they can foretell the future from the stars占星家说他们能根据星星预测未来。
5.relating to or concerned with astrology.涉及或与占星术有关的。
6.occult arts(炼金术、占星术等的)秘术
7.International Society for Astrological Research国际占星学研究学会
8.Many people have misconceptions about astrology.许多人对占星学有误解。
9.Astrologers claim to is able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.占星家声称能预知祸福.
10.Astrologists claim to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us占星家声称能预知祸福
11.Astrologer claims to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.占星家声称能预知祸福。
12.Whenever he is in difficulty, he turns to astrology for a prediction.他一有困难就求助于占星术进行占卜。
13.The energy of the Planets influences our everyday lives.这10大行星,是占星学中判断的主干。
14.One of the12parts into which the heavens are divided in astrology.星宿占星学中将天空分成十二个部分
15.The supernova Ia ratio in milky way galaxy;银河系Ⅰa型超新星所占星系恒星数目比例
16.3, A newly built boundary stand for divination the Biang star stand built in 215 BC.(3)公元前 2 15年新增疆堠———占毕占昴星台
17.You should go to an astrologer to have your horoscope read.你应该找一个占星家,让他告诉你你的星象。
18.It rules inventions, originality, electricity, magic, and astrology.它主宰着发明、造、情、力和占星术。

to divine by astrology占星
3)astrologic adj.占星的;占星学的
4)astrological adj.占星的;占星术的
5)planetary astrology五星占
1.This not only reflects that progresses were made in calendrical techniques during the period,but also reveals the reciprocal relation between the planetary astrology and the calendar.验历的内容从汉代使用日月天象扩展到唐宋时代使用五星天象,这不但反映了历法技术上的进步,而且也揭示了五星占与历法的互动关系。
1.In 1975, 186 American leading scientists, including 18 Nobel Prize winners, published a manifesto against astrology, accusing it as a pseudoscientific superstition.1975年美国186位知名科学家,在18位诺贝尔奖得主带领下,联名批判占星术。
2.In twentieth century,some scientists had tried excluding the astrology from science by scientific theory and philosophic method.20世纪,一些学者和科学家试图用已有的科学理论和哲学分析将西方占星术(astrology)①排除在科学之外,但真正让西方占星术目前仍没能走入主流科学里的,却是近30年来的几百个对占星术有效性的科学检验。
3.The ancient astronomy, calender and astrology of Yi Nationality involve much mathematical knowledge.研讨了彝族古代天文,历法及占星术中涉及的数学知识,经过分析整理,用明确的数学概念和公式表达出来,从而管窥彝族的数学历史。
