1.The Cultural Connotations Included in Poems Depicting Zhaojun s Tragic Marriage Mission to the North of the Great Wall;历代悲悯昭君诗中所包含的文化意蕴
2.The Reseach on the Crux of the Zhaojun's Tragic Fate试论昭君悲剧命运的实质

1.Wang Zhaojun: From a Varied-Style Story to an Opera--On the Development of the Subject of Wang Zhaojun as a Narrative Story;从《王昭君变文》到《王昭君》话剧——论昭君母题叙事文学的发展
2.From Historical Image to Literary Image:the Image of Zhaojun Represented in Zhaojun Poems of Different Dynasties;从历史形象到文学形象——历代昭君诗对昭君形象的虚拟生发
3.Princess Zhaojun A Symbol of Endless Emotion--An Analysis of Zhaojun Poems and their Development before Yun Dynasty;说不尽的昭君 咏不尽的情怀——元以前昭君诗的演变及内蕴试析
4.Wang Zhaojun tomb below Daqing mountain was once called Qing tomb.大青山脚下的昭君墓被称为青冢。
5.On breakthrough and creation of Han Gong Qiu to the original theme of "Zhao Jun He Fan《汉宫秋》对“昭君和番”母题的突破和创新
6.Wang Zhaojun was an imperial Han concubine more than 2, 000 years ago.王昭君是2000多年前汉王朝的一个妃子。
7.The Cultural Connotations Included in Poems Depicting Zhaojun s Tragic Marriage Mission to the North of the Great Wall;历代悲悯昭君诗中所包含的文化意蕴
8.The Dissemination and Reception of Wang Zhao-jun Stories during the Period of Han & Wei Dynasties and Six Dynasties;汉魏六朝时期昭君故事的传播与接受
9.Wang Zhaojun s Marriage to Chief of Xiongnu Is Not to Make Peace by Marriage;谁说王昭君嫁匈奴单于是“和亲”?
10.A Dialogue Between Poetry And History --The enrichment and transformation of Wang Zhaojun s image;诗与史的对话——昭君形象的丰富与转换
11.On The Cohesion Of Chinese Nation From Zhaojun Going Out of The Frontier;从“昭君出塞”探讨中华民族的凝聚力
12.A Study of the Evolution of Emotional Connotation of Ancient Poetry about Zhao Jun论古代昭君题材诗歌情感内涵的演变
13.Lady Zhaojun's Lament. This famous tone poem describes the grief of Wang Zhaojun, a palace lady who was sent far from home and kindred to marry a Hun chieftain.《昭君怨》,是潮州弦诗乐,描写汉代宫女王昭君远嫁匈奴后,遥望故乡,怀念亲人的哀怨。
14.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three Gorges of the Yangtze River by Zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意。
15.The Absorption and Modification of the Theme of Zhaojun s Poetry;历代歌咏昭君诗对传统主题的接受与开拓
16.National Cutural Conflict and Integration Embodied by the Development of the Image of Wang Zhaojun;王昭君形象演变体现的民族文化冲突与融合
17.Analysis of Three Types of Losing Love of Feudal Scholars through Tragic Figure of Wang Zhaojun;透过王昭君悲剧形象探析封建文人的三种情殇
18.On the Peace Function of Zhidao in Qin Dynasty and the Tourist Value of Zhaojun Marrying the Khan Huhanye;秦代直道的和平功能与昭君出塞的旅游价值

1.Mingfeiqu writen by Wang An-shi is one of the most influential classics in the poems about Wang Zhao-jun in the Song Dynasty.王安石的《明妃曲》是宋代昭君诗中影响最大者,也是历代咏昭君诗作中的名篇。
3)Wang Zhaojun王昭君
1.A Tentatine Research on the Image of Wang Zhaojun in Caoyu s works;浅论曹禺笔下的王昭君形象
2.Cultural Interpretation for the Change of Wang Zhaojun s Destiny;论王昭君命运改写的文化表述
3.By Wang Zhaojun from Human to God Evolution;论王昭君由人到神的演化
4)poems intoning Zhaojun咏昭君诗
5)Zhaojun poems昭君诗
1.The content of Zhaojun poems varied with times.昭君诗的内容随时代不同而发生变化。
6)WANG Zhao-jun王昭君
1.On the Change of the "Connections Through Marriages" Policy Taken by Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty from WANG Zhao-jun and Princess WEN Cheng s Marriage;从王昭君和文成公主远嫁看汉唐和亲政策的变化
2.On the basis of analyzing deeply relevant historical materials, this paper thinks that there are two mistakes about WANG Zhao-jun and Ji Zhong Shu in General History of China, and corrects the two mistakes.利用相关史料进行印证、分析,认为《中国通史》关于王昭君及汲冢书考证之记载有误,并对其进行了纠正。
3.For ages,scholars have paid close attetnion to WANG Zhao-jun.历代文人都给予了王昭君特殊的关注 ,歌咏她的诗歌 ,形成了一道独特的风景。
