1.The retainer mainly refered to the private feudatories who were responsible for the household duties of the senior ministers in the Zhou Dynasty.家臣在周代主要指管理卿大夫家政的私家臣属。
2.During the political evolution of the PreQin times,it was a spectacle that the retainers betrayed their masters,and even governed the power of the country.先秦社会政治演变过程中,本为周代贵族最低阶层的家臣在春秋后期屡叛其主,甚至执掌一国之政,构成了先秦政治史上的奇观。

1.One who swore allegiance to a lord in the Middle Ages; a vassal.封臣,家臣中世纪时宣誓效忠某个主人的人;家臣
2.An Analysis of the Reasons of the Retainers Revotion in the Spring and Autumn Times;春秋家臣屡叛与“陪臣执国命”成因析论
3.On the Significance of the Independent Retainer Images in Pre-Qin Literature;论先秦文学中独立型家臣形象的意义
4.A Study on the Retainer System and Its Duty in the Spring and Autumn Period;试论春秋时期的家臣职官系统及其职司
5.An Analysis of the Image of a Family Official of Feudal Times of “Gongzhong” and “Sizhong” in the Historical Records of Pre-Qin Dynasty;先秦史籍中公忠、私忠并重的家臣形象分析
6.On the Historical Evolution of the Subordinates Images of Officials in Early Ancient Times Literature试析上古文学中家臣形象的历史演变轨迹
7.British subjects do not need visa to visit Common Market countries .英国臣民访问共同市场国家无需签证。
8.Migrating to the Capital Cities and Their Environs:On the Pattern of Migration Adopted by the Ministers Buried at Zhaoling and Their Family Members;萃處京畿——從窆昭陵功臣家族遷居考述
9.On Gao Juexin s Tendency of Submission and Others;《家》人物高觉新的臣服倾向及其他
10.The Study on the Theory of Relationship Between Rulers and Ministers of Pre-Qin Dynasty;先秦儒、墨、道、法家君臣关系理论浅析
11.“Confucian Superman" Wen Suchen-mythology and its clearing-up;“儒家超人”文素臣——神话建构及消解
12.The retinue of a sovereign, including the royal family and personal servants, advisers, and ministers.朝廷,朝臣,侍臣国王的侍从,包括皇室家庭和私人仆人、参谋和部长
13.Next, all eyes turned towards the platform reserved for the Flemish envoys.大家的视线遂转向留给弗朗德勒使臣的看台。
14.Dhimmis: The Non-Muslim Subjects in Medina State(622~661)麦地那国家(622~661)的非穆斯林臣民——吉玛人
15.Academic Exchanges between SUN Cheng-ze and Neo-Confucians in Early Qing Dynasty;试论清初降臣孙承泽与理学家的学术交往
16.A View of the Tie Between Wu Zetian and the Former Korean Royal Family and the Family of Quan the Influential Minister;论武则天与原高丽王室和权臣泉氏家族
17.A Study on The Nobility Class of the Eight Banner Group's Posthumous vesting and the Offering Nobility Title to Their Family清初八旗勋臣追赠及其家族的封爵问题
18.Han Jue, A Great Politician in the Spring and Autumn Period大雅君子 社稷纯臣——春秋时杰出的政治家韩厥

the autocracy of the servant official leader in the nobility's family家臣专权
4)the independent retainer image独立型家臣
1.From cultural and literary point of view,this article analyzes the significance of the independent retainer image in pre-Qin literature.本文分别从文化和文学角度切入分析先秦史传文学中独立型家臣形象出现的意义:就社会发展角度言,家臣由从一而终趋于独立自由选择家主,这一变化昭示了主与臣的关系因社会剧变而受到巨大冲击。
5)An attendant; a retainer.随从,侍从;家臣
6)reign over the country/over one's subjects统治国家[臣民]
