1.The Date of the Carving of the Sculpture of the Guanyin Bodhisattva Bearing the Inscription‘Made in the 5th Year of the Wuguang Period by Di Xunsheng’,and the Pattern of the Evolution of the Quyang Single Bodhisattva Images with a Rear Nimbus during the Late Northern Dynasties Period;武光五年邸荀生造观音菩萨像年代——兼及曲阳北朝晚期背光式单身菩萨像之演变规律
2.On the Mural of BeiYue Temple of QuYang of HeBei Province;河北曲阳北岳庙壁画初探
3.Since then,Beiyue(北岳)Hengshan(恒山)was on the northwest of Hebei Quyang(曲阳)which is called Damaoshan(大茂山)now.自秦汉以降,北岳恒山均指河北曲阳西北之恒山,今称大茂山,北岳之祭亦在曲阳

1., Ltd is a comprehensive company whose business scope involves in development, design, manufacture, sale and installment.公司源自中国著名的雕塑之乡—河北曲阳
2.a masculine cadence.一个阳性终止的曲调
3.a masculine cadence; the masculine rhyme of `annoy, enjoy'.一个阳性终止的曲调;'annoy','enjoy'是押阳性韵。
4.The Relationships Between Danxianr and the Origins of Changyang South Opera;单弦牌子曲与长阳南曲渊源关系探讨
5.Probe into the Origin Relation Between Nanyang Major and Henan Clappers;南阳大调曲与河南板头曲的渊源关系
6.On the Characteristics of Sentence Structures and the Categories of Changyang Nanqu Qupai "Nanqu Tail";长阳南曲曲牌[南曲尾]曲词句式特点与分类之再分析
7.On the structure of Yin-Yang in contemporary composing and theory;现代作曲与作曲技术理论中的阴阳结构
8.For eons of time, time has been distorted within the Great Central Sun.亿万年来,大中枢太阳中的时间被扭曲。
9.glass ,curved for sun glasses, not optically worked曲面,用作太阳镜,未经光学加工
10.The hot sun warped the boards.灼热的太阳把木板晒得弯曲了。
11.Songyang High-pitched Tunes" has been recognized as one of the ancient rare operas.松阳高腔是古老稀有的戏曲剧种之一。
12.On the Present Existent Condition of Anyang Local Folk Art Forms "Beijing Accent Bass Drum";安阳地方曲艺“大鼓京腔”生存现状研究
13.Reproduction and Representation: the Drama Sculpture of Dongyang Woodcarving;再现与表现:东阳木雕之戏曲雕刻研究
14.A Research on the Standardized Form of Tune Name of Jiangxi Yiyang Tune (Zhuyunfei);论弋阳腔〔驻云飞〕正体曲牌音乐特征
15.Multiple Factor in the Scale of Piano Works Yangguan Sandie;钢琴曲《阳关三叠》采用音阶的多元因素
16.An Analysis of the Nationalization of the Accordion Musical Creation;对手风琴独奏曲《夕阳箫鼓》的理论浅谈
17.Comparison and Reseach of the Yeast for Making Hard Liquor of Shaoyang and Heng-nan Winery;衡南酒厂与邵阳酒厂大曲的比较研究
18.The Analysis of the Arts and Skills of Piano Music "The Traditional Chinese Vertical Bamboo Flute and Drum at Sunset"浅谈钢琴曲《夕阳箫鼓》的“艺”和“术”

Yangqu county阳曲县
1.This paper studied the plant origins, development and properties,and form in Yangqu county.研究了阳曲县植物区系的植物起源、发生和性质 ,及植物类型组成 ,并就植物资源 ,尤其是野生药用植物资源的开发利用提出意见。
1.The Carboniferous and Permian Florsa and Their Palaeogeographical Evolution in Quyang,Hebei Province;河北曲阳晚古生代植物群及古地理研究
4)Yangqu Shanxi山西阳曲
5)A. heyangensis合阳曲霉
6)Changyang Nanqu长阳南曲
1.The New Nanqu and the Developmental Problem of Changyang Nanqu;新南曲与长阳南曲的发展问题
2.An Analysis of Local Musical Elements in Changyang Nanqu长阳南曲中的本土音乐元素实证考析
3.Changyang Nanqu is an old folk art form in Hubei province.长阳南曲是湖北地方小曲中一个较为古老的曲种,主要流传在鄂西南的长阳、五峰两个土家族自治县境内,具有浓郁的民族民间特色和鲜明的地方风格,以唱词文雅、曲调优美、腔韵独特三大特点,在曲坛享有盛誉。
