1.Investigation of the Objective and Subjective Reasons of Nixonism;浅析尼克松主义出台的客观原因和主观动因
2.On the Vietnamese War and the Motive of Nixonism Proposed;论越战及尼克松主义出笼的动因

1.The Nixon Doctrine and American Foreign Policy Changes“尼克松主义”及美国对外政策的调整
2.Kissinger-Nixon s Grand Designs,the Nixon Doctrine,and Transforming of the Cold War;基辛格-尼克松的“宏大构想”、尼克松主义与冷战转型
3.Investigation of the Objective and Subjective Reasons of Nixonism;浅析尼克松主义出台的客观原因和主观动因
4.The Impact of the Nixon Doctrine on the Japan-ROK Security Cooperation;尼克松主义对日韩安全合作关系的影响
5.After President Nixon came to power, he proposed a new guilding ideology about American worldwide diplomatic policy-Nixonism.尼克松总统上台后提出了美国全球外交战略新的指导思想——尼克松主义
6.Nixon was nothing if not a realist.尼克松是个彻底的现实主义者。
7.They believed he was a stronger opponent of communism than Kennedy.他们认为尼克松会比肯尼迪更加强有力地反对共产主义。
8.Richard Nixon and John Kennedy were bitter political enemies-Kennedy's victory over Nixon in 1960 had put him in the White House.理查德·尼克松和约翰·肯尼迪是互不相让的政敌——1960年肯尼迪战胜尼克松,入主白宫。
9.On Marxist Philosophy View of S.Hook;悉尼·胡克的马克思主义哲学观评析
10.Pat Buchanan, a speechwriter who considered himself Nixon's conservative conscience, was morose.帕特·布坎南,这个自视为尼克松保守主义良心的演说撰稿人,闷闷不乐了。
11.The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the long-range implications of the journey.尼克松的随行记者团并不关心此行的深远意义。
12.Naturally, but Mr. Nixon must be appointed to chairmanship.当然可以,不过必须指派尼克松先生为主席。
13.Through it all Richard Nixon moved as if he were himself a spectator, not the principal.尼克松自始至终表现得象旁观者,而不是主角。
14.On the Thematic Concerns of Loyalty,Duty,Ritual in Titus Andronicus;论《泰特斯·安庄尼克斯》中的“忠”、“义”、“礼”主题
15.Nixon was more philosophical.尼克松来得贤明一些。
16."Nixon: Ruin & Recovery, 1973-1990"尼克松:下台与复出,1973-1990
17.Once we had agreed on our general objectives, Nixon had left the conduct of the talks to me.我们在主要目标上取得一致意见后,尼克松就让我主持会谈。
18.When Nixon assumed the Presidency,"Bus" Wheeler was in his final year as Chairman of the Joint chief.当尼克松就任总统时,“巴士”惠勒最后一年当参谋长联席会议主席。

the Nixon Doctrine尼克松主义
1.The Impact of the Nixon Doctrine on the Japan-ROK Security Cooperation;尼克松主义对日韩安全合作关系的影响
3)Nixon Doctrine尼克松主义
1.At this historical background,the start contraction of the United States forces,"Nixon Doctrine" came into being.在此历史背景下,美国开始收缩力量,“尼克松主义”应运而生。
2.In order to adapt US foreign policy to its strength, President Nixon made foreign strategy of equilibrium of realism, raised Nixon Doctrine and carried out the global balance-of- power diplomacy with modern meaning.尼克松总统为了使美国的对外关系与其国力相适应,大规模调整了美国的对外政策:制定了现实主义的“均势外交战略”,提出了“尼克松主义”,并极力推行具有现代内涵的均势外交,开辟了战后美国外交史上的新时代——“尼克松时代”。
1.National Present to President Nixon: Acupuncture Anesthesia in China;赠送给尼克松的国礼——《中国针刺麻醉》
2.Nixon Government and Chinese Representation in the United Nations(1969-1971);尼克松政府与联合国中国代表权问题(1969—1971)
3.Brief Study on US-European Relationship during Nixon Administration;略论尼克松时期的美欧关系
5)Richard Milhous Nixon (1913~  )尼克松,R.M.
6)Nixon Administration尼克松政府
1.On Nixon Administration s Foreign Policy towards Western Europe;试析尼克松政府的西欧外交
2.The Nixon Administration s Policy Adjustment toward Japan;浅析尼克松政府对日政策的转变
3.An analysis of Nixon administration s policy towards East Asia;试析尼克松政府的东亚外交
