1.Although scholars have been making progresses in drawing the outline of Sabao (s’rtp’w), the official position brought by the Sogdian immigrants into the bureaucracy system of the Northern Dynasty and Sui Tang China, by using new materials discovered from Sogdians’ graves and epitaphs, it remains difficult to describe it in detail.此外, 本文还从官品变迁、萨保继承、人员任命等角度, 揭示了中原政权利用官僚品级秩序增强粟特贵族的社会流动性, 并进而统合粟特聚落社会资源的历史进程。
2.Sa ge , also was titled Xue ge and Suo ge , was appeared at the end of the Tang Dynasty, it was one of the Three Tribe of Sha tuo and composed of the Sogdian.“萨葛”,又称为“薛葛”、“索葛”,这一名词开始出现在唐末 ,最初是沙陀三部落之中由粟特人所组成的一个部落 ,五代时期则演变为一个地方行政机构“索葛府”,并在后唐以后逐渐消失。
3.After the inscription entitled "Ganzhou Sabao of Minzhou Disciple" carved by a tourist in the 196th Dunhuang Grotto was made public,some scholars concluded that there were still some Sogdian settlements in Dunhuang and its surrounding areas after the Yuan Dynasty.莫高窟第196窟一则内容为"民州弟子甘州萨保□□朝谒"的游人题记被公布后,有学者认为在元代以后的敦煌及其周边仍有粟特人聚落。

1.Early Medieval Sogdian Murals in Central Asia中亚中世纪早期粟特壁画
2.Sogdian Transcriptions and the Northwestern Chinese Dialect of Tang(唐) Dynasty粟特语对音资料和唐代汉语西北方言
3.The Cao Leaders of the Guiyi Army in Dunhuang were of Sogdian Descent敦煌归义军曹氏统治者为粟特后裔说
4.On the Sogdian Zhai People(翟氏) in the Western Region and Dunhuang(敦煌) Area and the Concerning Questions;西域、敦煌粟特翟氏及相关问题研究
5.Sogdian Loanword in Diwanu LuBatit-Turk and Ogher Literature;《突厥语大词典》等文献中的粟特语借词
6.AnExploration of the Capitals of the Sutes "Liuhuzhou"(六胡州) in Hequ (河曲) Area;唐代河曲粟特人“六胡州”治城的探索
7.Study on the Influence of Sogdian People on Uighur's粟特人对鄂尔浑回鹘(回纥)的影响研究
8.Ossuary Found in Cave 158 at Mogao Grottoes and The Funeral Service and Burial Custom of The Sogdiana莫高窟第158窟的纳骨器与粟特人的丧葬习俗
9.Query on the Theory that the Ancient Turkic Runic Characters Origin from Old Sogdian Alphabet;古代突厥如尼文字源自旧粟特文说质疑
10.The Mobeihuihe-Soghdiqs Relationship in terms of Manichaeism-Belief;从信仰摩尼教看漠北回纥与粟特人的关系
11.Official Certificate on Buying and Selling of Slave in Gaochang Kingdom as Seen from Sogdian Certificates and Contracts从粟特文券契看高昌王国奴婢买卖之官文券
12.One was“ Jiujia- Hu”, who lived in cities and sold wine, another was singers and dancers in imperial court.在各色各样的外来人口中,粟特人是一个相当活跃的群体。
13.The research on the relations of Bo sea kingdom and Shute culture is a new research field on Bo sea history.渤海国与中亚粟特文明的关系是渤海史研究的新领域。
14.There were a lot of poems portraying“ Huji” in Tang dynasty.所谓胡姬,在本文中主要指操印欧语系东伊朗语支的粟特系统胡人女性。
15.Taking the cultural contact between the Sogdians and the ancient Uighurs as background, the paper makes a textual research on the Sogdian loanword in Diwanu LuBatit-Turk (The Complete Turkish Dictionary) and other ancient Uygur literature.本文以历史上的文化接触为背景,对《突厥语大词典》等文献中的粟特语借词进行考证。
16.Research on the Inscriptions of "Ganzhou Sabao" Found in the 196th Dunhuang Grotto莫高窟第196窟“甘州萨保”题记考述——兼论唐宋之际粟特民族的“伊斯兰化”
17.Characterized by the presence of small skin lesions that have the size and appearance of millet seeds.粟粒状的,粟粒性的以皮肤上出现粟粒大小和外形的小泡为特征的
18.CT characteristics of acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis and miliary lung metastases急性粟粒型肺结核与粟粒性肺转移瘤的CT特征

1.Relationships between Tubo and Sute in Tang Dynasty;唐代吐蕃与粟特关系考述
2.This article makes an analysis on the wooden pictures contents of the coffins unearthed during the Tubo in the Xiatala of Guolimu Village,Delingha city of Haixi prefecture,Qinghai province,and comparatively analyzes on the contents between the stone coffins pictures of the Sute unearthed in recant years and wooden pictures coffins of the Tubo on the bosis of mentioned above.在此基础上,就近年出土的粟特石棺画与吐蕃棺板画进行了对比与分析。
3)Sogdian singing and dancing粟特歌舞
4)Shute merchants粟特商胡
1.Sogdian Loanword in Diwanu LuBatit-Turk and Ogher Literature;《突厥语大词典》等文献中的粟特语借词
2.Sogdian Transcriptions and the Northwestern Chinese Dialect of Tang(唐) Dynasty;粟特语对音资料和唐代汉语西北方言
1.Verification of Soghd,Soghdian and Jiu Xing Hu;粟特粟特人与九姓胡考辨
2.The article studies the 5 gravestones newly found in Gouxi graveyard at Ancient Jiaohe City from inscription format and calligraphy style perspectives, discusses the living state of Soghdians in Jiaohe region in the Sui and Tang dynasties based on the content of the inscriptions and points out the difference between the Soghdians in Jiaohe and those in Gaochang.本文从铭文格式、书法风格等角度对近年吐鲁番交河沟西墓地新出土的5方墓志进行了分析研究,并通过铭文内容,对隋唐时期生存在交河地区的粟特人的状态进行了探讨,指出了交河地区粟特人与高昌地区粟特人的不同等。
