1.The New Evidence about Gaixia Battlefield in Luyi County of Henan Province but not in Lingbi County of Anhui Province;垓下在河南鹿邑不在安徽灵壁新证

1.it was a fight to the finish; he will be the finish of me.垓下一战,楚军全军覆没。
2.I'll have to, the way the ancient hero Xiang Yu parted with his favorite lady Yu Ji at Gaixia.我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。
3.Investigation Report on the Route of Xiang Yu's Gaixia Breakout Southward to the Wujiang River项羽垓下突围南驰乌江路线考察报告
4.At Gaixia are three thousand and three hundred ancient earth mounds /The one highest is Gold Hill and next to it Silver Hill stands.“垓下古堆三千三,数罢金山数银山”即指此事。
5.When Xiang Yu with his army came to Gaixia, he decided on this spot and had a fort built by his soldiers. This people later named Ba'Wang'Cheng or Fortress of Xiang Yu.项羽被迫撤军垓下,选中了这块地方,命军士筑城,后人称为“霸王城”。
6.When they were besieged at Gaixia and the music of their own homeland came floating in from all sides at night, Xiang Yu was convinced that the situation was desperate with all his territory being occupied by the Han army.垓下被围,夜闻四面楚歌,项羽以为汉军尽占楚地,战局难以挽回。
7.Its background is the struggle between Liu Bang, and Xiang Yu, and specifically the final battle between them at Gaixia in 202.以历史上的刘邦项羽相争为题材,描绘刘邦和项羽202年在垓下决战的情景,
8.This article to《shi-ji Xiang Yu this discipline》 proposed his own view about the record authenticity of the war happening in Gai-xia.本文对《史记?项羽本纪》中关于垓下之战中的记载的真实性提出了自己的看法。
9."And so, when I have traversed the nine sections of the world, I will follow Saint Luao up the Great Purity."先期汗漫九垓上, 愿接卢敖游太清。
10.sit, kneel, crouch, etc down坐下、 跪下、 蹲下
11.up and down, up and down.上上下下,上上下下。
12.A downward movement.下降,落下向下的运动
13.downbound commerce (=downbound traffic)下行(下水, 南下)运量
14.I'm getting off (ie leaving the train) at the next station.我下站下(火车).
15.Stop, Sam, stop,@ said Mr Winkle trembling violently,“停下,山姆,停下
16.I assisted him from the saddle / car.我扶他下马/下车。
17.The jaw, especially the lower jaw.(下)颌颌,尤指下颌
18.drawdown [groundwater]水位下降〔地下水〕

the battle of Gaixia垓下之战
1.There are different views with regard to the battle of Chenxia and the battle of Gaixia.目前史学界对于陈下之战和垓下之战有不同看法。
3)The Ancient Music Terraces at Gaixia垓下歌台
4)Gaixia Breakout垓下突围
1.Investigation Report on the Route of Xiang Yu's Gaixia Breakout Southward to the Wujiang River项羽垓下突围南驰乌江路线考察报告
6)Cheng Gai程垓
1.Study of Cheng Gai’s Life Story and His Friends;南宋词人程垓生平交游考
