1.Usage and Function: Change and Maintenance of Mulien Opera in Southern Anhui: Two Cases in Qimen;使用与功能——皖南目连戏的变与不变——以祁门两个村落为例
2.On the preservation & research into the tablet inscriptions about folk lore in Qimen during the Ming & Qing Dynasties;祁门县明清时期民间民俗碑刻的调查与研究
3.HPLC-DAD-MS/MS Analysis of Purine Alkaloids and Tea Polyphenols in Young Leaves of Yinghong 1,Yinghong 9 and Qimen Cultivars英红1号、英红9号和祁门茶树芽叶中嘌呤生物碱和茶多酚的HPLC-DAD-MS/MS分析

1.Qimen is well known for its black tea.祁门以盛产红茶闻名。
2.Republic of China Time Qimen Black Tea Improvement Research (1932-1941 Years);民国时期祁门红茶改良研究(1932-1941年)
3.Xie Duo and Xu Xie Duo Accomplished in Qi Men《谐铎》与《续谐铎》在祁门成书考述
4.Clans and Country Government of the Ming and Qing in Huizhou:a Case Study on the Kang Clan in Qimen;明清徽州宗族与乡村治理:以祁门康氏为中心
5.An Investigation of Present Mashan Mu Lian Plays in Qimen;安徽省黄山市祁门县马山目连戏现状调查
6.The Research of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity Tourism Development in Qimen County;祁门县非物质文化遗产旅游资源开发研究
7.On the preservation & research into the tablet inscriptions about folk lore in Qimen during the Ming & Qing Dynasties;祁门县明清时期民间民俗碑刻的调查与研究
8.A preliminary study about biological characteristics on wild Atractylodes macracephala Koidz.(Qizhu) in AnHui province;安徽野生祁门白术生物学特性研究初报
9.Overseas Sales & Analysis of Market Price of Qimen s Black Tea before the Second War;战前祁门红茶的海外销售与市场价格分析
10.Effects of Tourism Development on Water Quality of the Qimen Guniujiang Nature Reserve旅游开发对祁门牯牛降自然保护区水质的影响
12.Usage and Function: Change and Maintenance of Mulien Opera in Southern Anhui: Two Cases in Qimen;使用与功能——皖南目连戏的变与不变——以祁门两个村落为例
13.Lawsuit Handling and Li Old Men in Huizhou During the Middle Period of the Ming Dynasty Seen From "the Xie Family Lawsuit" in Qimen County;从祁门县“谢氏诉讼"看明代中期徽州的诉讼处理和里老
14.The Relations Between Township Rules and Patriarchal Clans in Huizhou During the Middle Period of Ming Dynasty;明代中期徽州的乡约与宗族的关系——以祁门县文堂陈氏乡约为例
15.Land Measuring in Huizhou Toward the End of the Ming and the Li Jia System As Seen from the Internal Disputes in the Clan of Xie;从祁门县“谢氏纷争”看明末徽州的土地丈量与里甲制
16.Tentative Study on the Relationship Between Chinese Ancient Architecture and Curture:Taking Qimen Ancient Stage as an Example中国古建筑与文化的关系初探——以祁门古戏台为例
17.The tuber of Qizhu( Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.) is used as pharmaceutical and edible. The passage introduced its biological characteristics and cultural art.祁门白术为白术的一种,根状块茎供药用或食用。主要介绍了该物种的生物学特性和栽培技术。
18.The Patriarchal Activities of Li s Shi Rong Ancestral Hall During the End of Qing Dynasty and Early of the Republic of China--Based on Li Bangfu,an Imperial College Student s Jottings and Manuscripts;清末民初祁门西乡云村李氏世荣堂的宗族活动——以捐监生李邦福杂记手稿为中心

Qimen black tea祁门红茶
1.In this paper,the analysis of the production actuality and existing problem of Qimen black tea was carried out in detail and its development countermeasures were put forward.介绍祁门红茶的生产现状,分析存在的问题,探讨发展思路。
2.This paper analyzes the first half of the 20th century, the 1930s, the decline of international and domestic Qimen black tea, this explains Qimen black tea production due to outdated methods, marketing complex links among the layers of exploitation, tea farmers to reduce input.本文主要分析了20世纪30年代上半期祁门红茶衰落的国际与国内原因,就此说明祁门红茶由于制作方法陈旧、运销复杂、中间环节的层层剥削、茶农的投入减少、国内市场萎缩等等促使祁红在国际上处于不利的竞争地位。
3.During 1932-1941 years, The National government has carried on the corresponding improvement measure in view of the Qimen black tea for sale abroad.1932-1941年间,国民政府针对祁门红茶的外销进行了相应的改良措施。
3)Qimen region祁门地区
1.The predominant families in Qimen region are Dryopteridaceae,Polypodiaceae,Athyriaceae;predominant genera are Dryopteris,Selaginella,Arachniodes.安徽祁门地区蕨类植物共有107种(包括变种、变型),隶属于28科56属,其中发现安徽地理分布新记录种1个,即丝带蕨(Drymotaenium m iyoshianum)。
2.According to investigation, there are 1 822 wild species(including subspecies, varieties, forms) in 731 genera of 147 families in Qimen region, located in the south of Anhui Province.祁门地区位于皖南山区南端,种子植物区系组成丰富,经调查种子植物有147科731属1822种(包括亚种、变种、变型),其中17种为国家级珍稀濒危保护植物。
4)Qimen county祁门县
5)Keemun savory祁门香
1.In this paper,The fresh leaves of Zhuye population in Dengta village Keemun county Anhui province were chosen and the classical method of SDE and the Amberlite XAD-2 resins were be used to analyze the characteristic aroma components of "Keemun savory".本文选取楮叶群体鲜叶作为供试材料,用经典的SDE法和AmberliteXAD-2树脂吸附法分析了祁门红茶“祁门香”的特征成分,同时通过不同加工工艺过程的比较实验,用SDE法研究了祁门红茶游离态香气成分在加工过程中的变化规律,此外,采用沸乙醇浸提法,对祁门红茶加工过程中糖苷类香气前体的含量变化进行了研究,并结合多酚类物质的含量变化,分析糖苷类香气前体的含量变化与多酚类物质的氧化偶联关系。
6)Jun dialect祁门军话
1.There are Jun dialect and Min dialect in the Anling of the north of Qimen.本文对祁门军话的语音系统作了较为详尽的描写,找出祁门军话与中古切韵音系之间的声母、韵母及声调的对应规律。

祁门种(Qimen zhong)  祁门种(Qimen zhong) 茶树有性群体品种之一。原产安徽省祁门县。 灌木型、中叶类、中生偏早。树姿半开展,分枝密度中等,叶片略上斜着生。叶长12.1cm,叶宽4.0cm。叶形长椭圆,叶面微隆起,叶身平展,叶齿细浅。叶色绿,富光泽,叶质柔软,叶尖渐尖。芽叶黄绿色,一芽三叶长4.9cm,一芽三叶重0.49g。花瓣白色、花萼深绿。花冠长径为3.8cm,短径为3.6cm。结实粒较强,种子长宽为1.36×1.34cm,种子百粒重165.5g。育芽能力较强,越冬芽萌动期3月中旬,真叶开展期4月上旬,开采期4月中旬。适制工夫红茶,制出祁红具有似果香,又似兰花香的独特香气。