名教,Confucian ethical code
1)Confucian ethical code名教
1.Seven Sages of metaphysics bamboo grove had a fundamental inclination of "getting over the Confucian ethical code but letting the nature at ease".竹林七贤以“越名教而任自然”为基本倾向,但在对名教与自然关系的体任上又有所差别。
2.The treatise analyses JiKang s philosophy of life,his thought of going beyond the Confucian ethical code and let things in the course of nature. 本文论及作为中国古代急剧变革时代的杰出思想家嵇康学说的时代背景,探析了他的人生哲学及"越名教而任自然"的主要思想。
3.The study on He Yan\'s thoughts in this paper is conducted from three angles——learning of names and principles(名理),nothingness(贵无),Confucian ethical code(名教).本文主要从何晏的名理学、玄学和名教观三个层面来研究何晏思想,从文本的具体解读切入,揭示出何晏思想的发展脉络及其特点。

1.From Scholasticism Coming from Nature to Scholasticism Being Nature;从“名教出于自然”到“名教即自然”
2.My mother is a teacher, and my father is a doctor.我母亲是一名教师,我父亲是一名医生。
3.At first, Harvard had 1 teacher and 9 students.当初,哈佛只有一名教师和九名学生。
4.His intention is to be a teacher.他的打算是当一名教员。
5.Coincidentally, he was also a teacher.他碰巧也是名教师。
6.the Christian [ first, given ] name教名, 名字, 洗礼名
7.first name=given name)[美]姓名中的名字, 教名
8."Is that his Christian name?"“那是一个教名。”
9.In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name.在基督教国家中, 常以教名为名.
10.At present, there are63 teachers, among whom there are18 associate professors,25 lecturers,15 assistants,5 administrators and tutors.外语系现有教职工63名,其中副教授18名、师25名、教15名、政及教辅人员5名。
11.A New York music teacher is named Love Sweetheart.纽约有一名音乐教师名叫爱?甜心。
12.tonic sol - fa(用唱名表示的)唱名记谱法(教唱法)
13.Impact of the Religions of the Dai Nationality on Place Naming in Dai Language;试论傣族宗教对傣语地名命名的影响
14.Prompt Teaching and Studying on the Denomination of Tradition Wushu Movement Names;传统武术动作名称命名的教学法提示
15.Forging Famous Teachers &Schools by Combining Teaching Research with Scientific Research;教研与科研“携手”打造名师名牌学校
16.The coach sent two players in.教练派2名球员上扬。
17.She is one of my old students.她是我教过的一名学生。
18.May I have your name again, please?再次请教您尊姓大名。

The Confucian ethical code名教
1.Confucian couldn t go on survive in its natural position and the belief of the confucian ethical code was falling gravely.儒学无法以其固有地位继续存在 ,名教信仰严重跌落。
2.It is generally assumed that Chi K ang advocated getting rid of the Confucian ethical codes, according to his principle of "exceeding the Confucian ethical code and giving the reins to nature".学界多以嵇康“越名教而任自然” 主张彻底摒弃名教而纯任自然。
3.The real drive of "Zuxing Xiaoyao" is to eliminate the opposition and tension between nature and the confucian ethical code,so as to find a built-in basis and support for the reasonableness of the confucian ethical code.郭象关注"足性逍遥"的真正内驱力是为了从根本上消融自然与名教的对立和紧张,从而为名教的合理性寻找一种内在的依据和支撑。
1.On the Competition Between Scholasticism and Nature from Xiangxiu s Apostasy;从向秀变节看“名教”与“自然”之争
2.From Scholasticism Coming from Nature to Scholasticism Being Nature;从“名教出于自然”到“名教即自然”
1.On the aesthetic derception of Ruanji and Jikang s theory "Natural Beauty Byond Confucianism;试论阮籍、嵇康“越名教而任自然”的美学意蕴
1.The Solution of the Problem of Mingjiao and Ziran and its Influence on Chinese Aesthetics;名教与自然问题的解决及其对中国美学的影响
2.On Thought and Significance of WangBi s Mingjiao Stemming from Nature;论王弼“名教出于自然”的思想及其意义
6)given name教名
