1.For the reasons of the historical background at the troubled time of Sui-dynasty and the imperfect system of retirement,etc,a considerable part of government officials didn t retire though they were over 70 years old.唐王朝前期,由于隋末乱世的历史背景及官吏的致仕制度尚不完善等原因,相当一部分官吏年过七十而没有致仕

1.The retiring system was an important part of the official system in ancient China.致仕制度是中国古代文官制度的重要组成部分。
2.On the Relation between the Human and Natural Environments and the High Rank s Official Career and Their Funeral Site in the North song Dynasty;两京地区人文自然环境与北宋大臣的致仕卒葬
3.On WEN Zheng-ming s Resignation--Inspired by WANG Chong s Living Sketches;文徵明致仕考略——由王宠行书札《起居贴》引发出的问题探索
4.The system of preferential treatment of officials in Han Dynasty was an important part of official administration in Han Dynasty,which included special care after retirement,comforting and compensating the family after deaty.汉代官吏优抚制度是汉代官吏管理制度的重要构成部分 ,包括致仕后的优待和逝世后的抚恤。
5.Zhu Shixiu’s Life Value Position and his Views of Ancient Prose朱仕琇人生价值定位与古文致思方向
6.An officer, having completed his duties, should devote himself to study; the student, having completed his studies, should devote himself to duties as an officer.仕而优则学,学而优则仕
7.If through the negligence of a motor vehicle driver on the road, you suffer bodily injury you are entitled to claim compensation.任何人仕若在一宗在道路上因驾驶人疏忽而导致的交通意外中身体受伤,即有权索取赔偿。
8.Liebfraumlich Hock [Germany]可爱仕女白葡萄酒[德
9.They are not anxious social climbers.他们并不渴求仕宦功名。
10.Easy Oil Company Limited依仕石油产品有限公司
11.Zhejiang Shishun Foods Co., Ltd.浙江仕顺食品有限公司
12.On the Painting Style of the Tang Dynasty Through the Picture A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin;从《簪花仕女图》探看唐代仕女画的审美风格
13.HAVING WANTED NOT ONLY BEING AN OFFICIAL BUT ALSO TO BE RECLUSE --The Official s Mind of Zhang Hua in the Later Period from《Two Answers to He Shao》;既仕慕隐——从《答何邵二首》看张华后期仕宦心态
14.His representative works are Ladies with Head-pinned Flowers, Ladies Playing with Fans, and Ladies Playing Stringed Instruments.《簪花仕女图》、《纨扇仕女图》、《调琴啜茗图》都是他的代表性作品。
15.This perfume is for men( But, I think it can be for woman is OK!此香水是用于男仕们,但是本人觉得女仕都可以用!
16.Jinshi's transfer of official position showed the superiority of being the officials.清代进士从入仕到迁转的整个经历,说明了仕历的优越性。
17.Official was Pleased and the Spillover of Emotions Confusion--New Exploration of Official and Family Conflicts Problems in Tang Dynasty Novels仕宦得意与情感外溢的困惑——唐代小说中仕宦与家庭矛盾问题新探
18.Zhongshan Aimas Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.中山市爱马仕洁具有限公司

Not Retiring不致仕
1.On Not Retiring, Inspecting the Honest Retiring Thought of Bai Ju-yi;从《不致仕》看白居易的廉退思想
3)Officials retirements官吏致仕
4)retired officials致仕官
1.A good many people misconceive that retired officials in Ming dynasty lived through their late years by salaries.很多人误以为明代致仕官员通过领取俸禄来养老,其实明代未曾建立致仕官员食俸的制度,赏赐和体恤只是少数官员才能享受的特恩。
5)complex of going into politics致仕情结
6)official retirement官员致仕
