1.In the temporal distribution of demotion,most of them lived in the mid-or late-Tang Dynasty,and in the spatial distribution,the south,like Lingnan and Jiangnan which are remote and isolated,is the main area chosen as the demotion place especially in Tang Dynasty,which is the most worthy of studying.唐五代三百四十余年间,有姓名可考并有贬地记载的贬官共2828人次。
2.Xu Xuan,a man who was gracious and indifferent to fame and benefit,experienced ups and downs in officialdom and three times demotions during his life.徐铉恬淡寡欲,性格宽厚,却历尽宦海沉浮,一生中有三次贬官经历。

1.The general psychology of demoted officers and their literature behaviors;略论贬官士人的特殊心态及其文学表现
2.The rigorous official-demoting policy in Song Dynasty was the legal basis and the system background of numerous banished officials to South of the Five Ridges.宋代严密的贬官制度是岭南谪宦产生的法制依据和制度背景。
3.Relegation Rules of Tang Dynasty and the Voice of Protest唐代贬官制度与不平之鸣——试论开明专制下的文人遭遇与心声
4.The Study on the Succession and Development of the Music of Min Opera from Creation in Music of the New Chronicle Opera of BianGuan Ji and LanHua Fu;从新编历史剧《贬官记》、《兰花赋》的音乐创作看闽剧音乐的继承与发展
5.Luling Undertaking from Yiling s Point--Ouyang Xiu s Frame of Mind and Creation When He Was Demoted at Yiling;庐陵事业起夷陵——欧阳修贬官夷陵时期的思想状况和文学创作
6.Probing into the Differences of Penal Colonies Between Demoted Officers and Banished Offenders During Tang Dynasty-Taking the Lingxi District as an Example;唐代贬官与流人分布地区差异探究——以岭西地区为例
7.To depreciate(currency, for example) by official proclamation or by rumor.贬低通过官方声明或谣言贬低(例如货币)
8.The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.那个不诚实的政府官员被公开贬斥。
9.Such remarks were scarcely complimentary toward the officers present.这种话已经把在场的军官们贬得一钱不值了。
10.On the Phenomenon of the Praise on Officials and the Criticism on Merchants in the Zaju Opera;试析元杂剧士妓之恋作品中的褒官贬商现象
11.The establishmentmuzzled press has minimized this important people's victory.受官方控制的新闻界贬低了这次人民的重大胜利。
12.Black people's own major and heroic role in fighting against slavery is denied or downgraded by the" official histories.黑人自己反抗奴隶制度的英勇斗争被“官方历史”否定或贬低。
13.Peter quickly made friends with a fellow officer, Shvabrin, who had been exiled to the steppes for fighting a duel.彼得很快同另一名军官希瓦卜林交了朋友,这个人是因为决斗而被贬到吉尔吉斯草原的。
14.Devaluation: Official lowering by monetaryauthorities of the value of a country's currencyin relationship to the currencies of one or moreother countries.贬值:指货币发行机构通过官方渠道降低本国货币与其他一种或几种货币的比价。
15.These works reflect his term of local officials and exiled by the devaluation of life emotions and moods, often written sincere and moving.这些作品,反映他在任地方官吏和流放贬逐时的生活情感与心态,往往写得真挚感人。
16.Currency appreciation(or depreciation )通货升值(或 贬值)
17.charm offensiveph.1. 【贬】讨好对手
18.Underweight is the most neutralunderweight 最无褒贬含义

relegated officials贬谪官吏
1.These relegated officials were mainly sacrificed in political struggles.文章纠正了唐代陇右道不是官吏贬谪地点的观点,指出,唐代西域有一些贬谪官吏,并对这些贬谪官吏遭贬的原因及时间进行了分析考证。
3)demoted officers贬官士人
1.The general psychology of demoted officers and their literature behaviors;略论贬官士人的特殊心态及其文学表现
4)demoted officers literature贬官文学
5)relegation system贬官制度
6)To dismiss an official from office贬黜官职
