
1.An Approach to the Problems of Clay-fused Quartz Sagger有关“粘土-熔融石英”匣钵几个问题的探讨
2.Application: Used as Kiln shed board, slide push board, sagger, Tuyere combined bricks.用途:工业窑炉用棚板、立柱、槽板、推板、匣钵、卡具、风口组合砖等。
3.cigarette case, of precious metal雪匣盒, 贵金属制
4.compost block press混合肥料营养钵压制机
5.grind the spices in a mortar; mash the garlic.在研钵里碾碎调味料。
6.It lay behind him, a bowl of bitter waters.这钵苦水就躺在他脚下。
7.A Moslem religious mendicant.行者穆斯林的托钵僧
8.The chest was thought to contain gold.那匣子被认为装有金子。
9.She made a small casket with paper board.她用纸板做了一个匣子。
10.He' s a great talker.他是个十足的话匣子。
11.He takes out a little shagreen case.他取出一个鲛皮小匣子。
12.Mama, and I followed behind, weeping.我记得爸,记得爸的木匣。
13."Pretty fancy box," he had said.木匠说,“这匣子真考究。”
14.Strike it on the match-box.在火柴匣上一擦就得了。
15.The girl said she had been interfereed with.医师说匣女孩被污辱过。
16.A receptacle in which the host is held.圣匣盛放圣饼的容器
17.In'the truck box was a guitar case.车厢里有一只吉他琴匣。
18.Bachelor's degree or above, any combination of education and experience equivalent to at least two(2) years translation experiences with proficiency in Korean.⒋笱П究埔陨匣蛲?妊Ю?⑸

1.Thermoresistant saggers containing silicon carbide and granular filler were produced through slip casting in plaster mould.用石膏模浇注法生产出了含碳化硅和粒状填料的耐热匣钵
2.New formula and new Process flow Of large pressed sagger have been laid down through analyzing old Process flow and operating condition of the sagger,and product quality and economic benefit were raised.通过分析大件机压匣钵的旧工艺流程和使用情况,制定了新配方和新工艺流程,从而提高了产品质量和经济效益。
4)loading container装料匣钵
1.According to the characteristics of microwave heating, the effects of loading containers and additives on the nitridization of aluminum powder by microwave processing has been studied.根据微波加热特点,研究了在微波环境下装料匣钵以及添加剂对Al粉氮化的影响。
5)SiC saggarSiC匣钵
6)SiC saggerSiC质匣钵
1.Compared with Germany's SiC sagger,the microstructures of the SiC sagger produced by akiln furniture factory were analyzed with scanning electron microscope in the paper.利用扫描电子显微镜对某窑具厂制造的SiC质匣钵进行了显微结构分析 ,并通过与德国的SiC质匣钵比较 ,得出了匣钵开裂的原因是SiC颗粒被氧化变小 ,针状莫来石长大、粗化 ,玻璃相增多。

陶瓷匣钵陶瓷匣钵  烧制陶瓷的窑具。陶瓷烧成与否与匣钵有密切关系。陶瓷坯成型后不能直接经火燃烧,否则会因烟尘而变色,、必须装入匣钵才能入窑点火。匣钵以耐火材料制成,高温荷重软化温度应比坯体烧成温度高,且要求耐急冷急热性好,使用寿命长。约始用于隋,唐至宋早期多为漏斗形匣钵,宋中期后出现桶形匣钵。