1.Noble and Broad, Graceful and Elegant——entrusting the rosy clouds on the horizon to send "forever Bin Xing" our best memory;高尚与博大、优美与典雅——托天边的彩霞把最美好的怀念送给“永远的冰心”

1.To feel a lingering, often nostalgic desire.怀念怀念,常指思乡的愿望
2.The sailors yearned for home.这些水手怀念家乡。
3.Do you miss your home country?你怀念你的家乡吗?
4.At times he does miss the big city.他有时的确怀念大城市。
5.I carry memories of my homeland around with me.我总是怀念着我的故乡。
6.It reminded me of my days with him.读后,引起我深深的怀念
7.We will always remember.我们将永远怀念他们。
8.When she was abroad,she sighed for her native country.她在国外时怀念祖国。
9.I miss our pleasant talks.我很怀念我们那些开怀畅谈的时光。
10.Oh, it's my high school yearbook, this bring back so many memory !哦,高中的毕业纪念册,真令人怀念
11."Oh, it 's my high school yearbook; this brings back so many memories! "哦,高中的毕业纪念册,真令人怀念
12.He miss the delight of the peaceful country life.他怀念平静的乡村生活的种种乐趣。
13.Missing the rain in summer, he stands along at winter.孤独的人,在冬季里怀念夏日的雨。
14.In the end, she missed the film industry and returned to Hollywood.最终,她怀念电影行业,回到了好莱坞。
15.Anyway, I miss you my college life.不管怎样,我怀念我的大学生活。
16.On the couplet, Mr Bao wrote: "Eternal remembrance to Ziyang."鲍彤在挽联上写著「永远怀念紫阳」。
17.He misses his friend's bright smile.他很怀念他朋友开朗的笑容。
18.Deeply Mourn for Professor Hans Popper深切怀念本刊名誉顾问Hans Popper教授

In Memory of Zhengduo《怀念振铎》
1.In Memory of Zhengduo is Ba Jin s last article,which contains his reflections of his life.《怀念振铎》是巴金晚年最后一篇文章,文中所谈,虽然是朋友交往的细事,但其中也包含了他对自己一生观点的认真思考。
3)To the Late Xiao Shan《怀念萧珊》
1.Comparative study on To the Late Wife and To the Late Xiao Shan;《给亡妇》与《怀念萧珊》比较研究
4)cherish the wolf怀念狼
6)Give me the good old times!怀念从前
