
1.The Study on Hospitality in Tourism Industry:Multidimensional Perspectives旅游业“好客”研究的多维视野审视
2.On the Theory Forms of Intersubjectivity from Multi-perspectives;多维视野中的主体间性理论形态考辨
3.An Analysis of Constitutional Function on Social Organizations from Multi-dimensional Perspectives;多维视野中社团兴起的宪政功能分析
4.The "Three Faces" Ideology:the Multidimensional Field of Vision Of DENG Xiao-ping Theory;三个面向":邓小平理论的多维视野
5.On Views of the Study of Western Contemporary Cosmopolitanism多维视野中的当代西方世界主义研究
6.The Research of Mood Adverb in Modern Chinese Languange with Multidimensional View多维视野下的现代汉语语气副词研究
7.On the Essence of Adult Education From Various Perspectives多维视野观照下的成人教育本质探析
8.Multi-dimensional Views:the Era s Trend of the Chinese Sci-Tech and Cultural Development;多维视野:我国科技文化发展的当代走向
9.The Research on the Models of International Internet Higher Education from Multi-Perspectives;多维视野下国际网络高等教育模式研究
10.“Revolution” in Multi-dimensional Perspectives--A Brief Introduction and Assessment of the Studies of Revolution in the West;多维视野中的“革命”——西方“革命学”研究历程评介
11.Theoretical Construction and Establishment of Multi-dimension Perspectives in Chinese Language Interpretation--Commentary on"The Chinese Language Interpretation Theory from Multidimensional Perspectives";语文解读的理论建构与多维视野的确立——《多维视角中的语文解读学》述评
12.From Centralism to Multi-dimensional Decoding: A View on Popular Culture Criticism in West;西方大众文化批评:从中心化到多维视野解码化的实践批评
13.Language and Symbolic Violence-A Study of Pierre Bourdieu’s View of Language from Multidimensional Perspectives;语言与符号暴力——多维视野中的布迪厄语言观探索
14.The Analysis of the book that the Mongolian Folklore Studies and its Value;多维视野下的蒙古族民俗研究——《蒙古风情》及其价值评述
15.The multidimensional field of vision of life casting and rational glory--Thoughts on reading Zhou Xing - chun Love song of life;生命铸造的多维视野与理性光辉——周兴春《生命的恋歌》读后
16.Multi-vision and China s Tourism Research--Comment on the Domestic and Foreign Relevant Literature;中国旅游研究的多维视野——对国内与国外相关文献的评述
17.The Understanding of Several Theories in Literary Language;关于文学语言的若干理论认识——读高万云的《文学语言的多维视野
18.From Different Visual Angles View on Significance Contents & Methods of Central Group Studying by Party Committee in Colleges & Universities;从多维视野看高校党委中心组学习的意义、内容和方法

three-dimensional views三维视野
3)perspective of multi-disciplines多科视野
4)multi fields of vision多视野
5)multiple vision多重视野
6)diversified visual field多元化视野
1.In the Chinese modern drama history, Lao She has constructed a special art world by diversified visual field; the "communication" was the keyword of his art ideas and literature creations.本文以“沟通”为起点,用比较研究的方法深入老舍文本世界列举了老舍创作中的多元化视野的具体表现,分析了由此形成的美学风格,并在此基础上深入老舍的人生世界,从生平经历、思想性格等方面探究了形成这种多元化视野的原因。

《合法性视野下的苏联政治》Image:11748368190457351.jpg 《合法性视野下的苏联政治》
【作 者】:周尚文 郝宇青【图书简介】 - 合法性视野下的苏联政治苏联解体和苏共败亡,引起人们对社会主义的前途和命运、社会主义国家民主政治的发展、社会主义国家共产党的领导方式和执政方式,乃至共产党的执政规律等诸多问题的深刻反思和研究。全书以其独特的视角、详尽的史实和逻辑的分析带给读者较多深层次的思考。 本书就是这样的背景之下的产物。笔者们试图通过对苏联政治生活的探究、对苏联解体和苏共败亡原因的解读,寻找出共产党执政的某些规律。笔者们在这里首先要申明的一点是:对苏联解体、苏共败亡这样的世界历史性的大课题,可以有多种视角加以研究。本课题通过从苏共执政合法性的视角切入,探究苏联政治生活的奥秘,探求其衰亡的原因和教训。如果笔者们的研究工作能够就这一问题向读者提供一些有益的见解和启发,笔者们的心愿就算达到了。