1.The thesis emphasized the changes of the Shichahai Temples in every historic period.什刹海是北京珍贵的历史文化保护区,风景秀丽,杨柳垂面,有着丰富的文化遗产,同时也是北京寺观最密集的区域,历史记载有将近90座寺观在这里,本文着重研究了什刹海寺观在各个历史时期的变迁情况,从唐代的火神庙到元代大量兴建广化寺、保安寺、护国寺等,寺观的数量在逐渐增多。
2.The layman in Tang Dynasty died in temples was frequently seen in Epitaph Records.在现有的唐代墓志中有很多俗人终于寺观之例,其原因大多是志主迫于现实条件的选择。
3.At the same time,It s also the area which has the most temples in Beijing City.什刹海是北京珍贵的历史文化保护区,风景秀丽,杨柳垂面,有着丰富的文化遗产,同时也是北京寺观最密集的区域,历史记载这里曾有将近90座寺观,作者着重研究如何对其进行保护和利用。

1.Study on the Characteristics of Garden Plant Community of the Main Temple Garden in Chengdu成都市主要寺观园林植物群落的研究
2.On Fengshui Landscapes of Academy of Classical Learning,Buddhist Temple and Taoist Temple: A Humane Perspective;风水景观的人文透视——以书院寺观为中心
3.The Characteristics of Temple Garden s Environment in Yunnan and Its Preservation and Development;云南寺观园林环境特征及其保护与发展
4.that the audience all thought they were brought into the nirvana (See the Records of Qielan at Luoyang).致使那些得以入寺观看的人都以为进了天堂(见《洛阳伽蓝记》)。
5.Local governments also allocated funds for the maintenance of temples, monasteries and churches.各级地方政府也拿出相当一部分资金,用于寺观庙堂的维修。
6.Do you fancy visiting the Temple of the Sleeping Buddha?你想去参观卧佛寺吗?
7.Visit Wat Phra Thad Haripoonchai, one of the most magnificent and oldest temple in Lampoon.参观帕辛寺,是清迈兰普最大最华丽的佛寺。
8.when he went to the Longxing Temple to paint, the temple was packed with people.在龙兴寺作画的时候,观者水泄不通。
9.Shall we pay a visit to Qita Temple this weekend?这个周末我们去参观七塔寺好吗?
10.Eleven-faced Avalokitesvara of the Dulesi Temple at Jixian蓟县独乐寺十一面观音像
12.The whole resort complex consists of imperial palaces, imperial gardens, and magnificent temples.由皇帝宫室、家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群组成。
13.We will visit London Bridge, Westminster, not forgetting the Big Ben.我们将参观伦敦桥,西敏寺大教堂,还有大本钟。
14.There are also many scenic sights and historic relics at Beidaihe, including Nan'Tian'Men or the South Gate to Heaven, Luo'Tuo'Shi or Camel Rock, the Temple of the Goddess of Mercy and so on.名胜古迹有南天门、骆驼石、观音寺等景点。
15.In 1991, I went to visit the Chongfu Temple in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province and I saw it with my own eyes.1991年,我去山西朔州市的崇福寺参观,亲眼所 见。
16.The 1, 000-year-old NanPutuo temple is named after at home of the Goddess of Mercy.千年古寺南普陀是大慈大悲的观音菩萨的道场。
17.The flow of tourists into the temple have worn away the steps.参观寺庙的游客络绎不绝,把台阶都踩坏了。
18.I particularly want to visit the British Museum and the Tower of London.我尤其想参观大英博物馆和伦敦塔和西敏寺。

1.Fangwai Friendship and the Custom of Drinking Wine at Temples in the Yuan Dynasty;方外交与元代寺观饮酒风习
2.It introduces the scenic design of Tianning temple in Changzhou,faced with the scenic designing actuality of temple garden and based on modern scenic design result theoretically,it discusses the theory and methods of designing temple garden s scenery,so as to embody its philosophical meaning of its vast cultural details as well as elaborates the scenic meaning of temple garden.面对寺观园林的景观设计现状,以现代景观设计理论成果,结合具体客观实际,从对常州天宁禅寺景观设计的实践出发,探讨寺观园林景观设计的理论和方法,力求表达其博大文化底蕴的哲学意境,阐释寺观园林的景观内涵。
3)temples and monasteries寺观祠庙
1.The significance of research into traditional architectures in Shanxi temples and monasteries;山西寺观祠庙传统建筑的研究意义
4)Guanyin temple观音寺
5)temple book collecting寺观藏书
6)The Landscape of Buddhist Temple佛寺景观
