1.Liyue Civilization and Harmonious Culture Construction;礼乐文明与和谐文化构建
2.Liyue Civilization and Harmonious Society Construction;礼乐文明与和谐社会的构建
3.This article article deals with the expressing traits of education from three aspects: the rirst point is education and people s awakening and enlightens; the second is the mergence of education and Liyue civilization, and the quest for benevolence; the third is the natural mergence of education and management.本文从三个方面论述了教育的体 现特征,一是教育与人的觉醒和启蒙,二是教育与礼乐文化的融合及向善的追求,三是教育与管理的自然融合。

1.Forms of Yuehu Folk Ritual Specialist From Jin to Yuan Dynasty;由“太常礼乐人”到“礼乐户”——金元之交“礼乐户”的形成
2.Aesthetics Connotation in the Relationship of Yue and Li in "Xunzi Yueiun";乐合同 礼别异——荀子《乐论》中礼乐关系之美学内涵
3."Six classical arts: rites, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic"六艺:礼乐射御书数
4."Check up YI and HE Decided"--"Li-Yue"(ceremonial music) and Culture;“审一以定和”——“礼乐”与文化
5.The rite and music system of the Zhou Dynasty was thus founded on the heritage of the preceding systems of the Xia and Shang dynasties.因袭夏、商的礼仪乐制,建立了周王朝的礼乐制度。
6.Shang and Zhou Period:Combination of Ritual and Musical Instruments and the Materialized Institution of Rites and Music;商周时期的礼乐器组合与礼乐制度的物态化
7.On the Historical Facts of the Spring-and-Autumn Period and the System of Rite Music in the Light of Rite-Music Instruments Unearthed in Xinzheng;从新郑出土礼乐器论春秋史事与礼乐制度
8.Harmony in Beauty and Good--Tsunzi s Thought of Relations between Ritual and Music;美善相乐——论荀子的礼乐关系思想
9.Musical Essence and Moral Music: The Social Functions of the Harmony between Li and Yue from 乐本与德音:从《乐记》看礼乐谐和的社会作用
10.A Research of the Ritual Songs of "Ji Tian" Ceremony《诗经》籍礼乐歌新探——从礼仪视角考察《诗经》农事诗
11.The Changes of Classifical Concept of Music Books Influenced by Li Yue Concept in North Song Dynasty;北宋时礼乐观影响下的乐书分类观念的改变
12.The Music Education of Western Zhou dynasties Within The Etiquette System and It s Spirit of Rethink;西周礼乐制度中的音乐教育及其反思精神
13.A Study on the Implication and its Ceremony and Music of Hanwu Emperor Establishing Yue Fu;汉武帝“始立乐府”的真正含义及其礼乐问题
14.occasional music for a royal wedding皇家婚礼上的应制音乐.
15.liturgical book [not containing music]礼拜仪式书[不含乐谱]
16.The musician was busy with occasional music for the royal wedding.音乐家正在为皇家婚礼谱写乐曲。
17.Research of the Music Destruction of Rite System during Pre-Qin;历史的界河——论先秦“礼崩乐坏”之“乐坏”
18.Da-Siyue and Shi-Bao--One of identifying Yue-Guan cultural sources;大司乐与师保——《周礼》乐官与先秦乐文化源流考述

ritual music礼乐
1.So the conventions of Chu are melted into the system of ritual music in the initial stages of Han dynasty.叔孙通制礼作乐大抵皆袭秦制,但自称"知时变"的他对习楚俗、乐楚声的刘邦不免会有所迁就,楚风楚俗因而大量融入了汉初礼乐制度。
2.The article is based on the view from traditional confucian esthetic in three aspects:manifests specifically from the confucian esthetic main connotation,ritual music,neutral took the important content in confucian esthetics,as well as the harmonious spirit in the realistic society s great significance."礼乐"、"中和"的美学思想是传统儒家美学的精髓,对中华民族审美心理的影响也是极其深远的。
3.The Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King represent the hanging arrangement and scale of ritual music of Zhou Dynasty,clarified as per the standards of hanging chimes and chamber music.西汉南越王墓再现了周代礼乐的编悬结构与设置规模,并按大型编悬乐与室内房中乐进行了分类。
3)rite and music礼乐
1.In the meantime, the prevalence of Han rite and music played an important part in this art style.同时,汉代礼乐的盛行,对汉画像石艺术的发展起到了积极的推动作用。
4)Rites and Music礼乐
1.Except for the mental denunciation of the benefit, people should be equipped with rites and music, which is the effective way to achieve moral education.除了在精神上戒除利欲 ,还要在生活中以礼乐进行教化 ,礼乐是德育的有效途径。
1.Welcoming Music with Mountain and Water Landscape--The Planning and Design of the Core Area of Tieling New Downtown;礼乐相迎 山水相映——铁岭新城核心区规划设计
1.The nuoji also named yueji or yueli that with character of amusement strongly.甲文之“乐”字,取象于以谷物祭祀神鸟的“傩祭”,“傩祭”亦可称之为“乐祭”或“乐礼”,伴有歌舞,具有极强的娱乐性质。
