1.Description of the Carabus L. Insects in Southwest Guizhou Province;贵州省黔西南步甲属昆虫种类记述
2.Description on Mononchida from Southern District,Fujian;闽南地区捕食性线虫(Nematoda: mononchida)的记述

1.a verbose description冗长的记述 [描写]
2.An account of one's journeys.游记对某人游历的记述
3.A narrative or record of events.记述,报告一叙述事件或事件的记录
4.That's an untruthful description.那是一个不真实的记述
5.This history of Europe goes down to 1985这部欧洲史记述到1985年。
6.This history of Europe goes down to1914.这部欧洲史记述至1914。
7.Famous Historical Records of Three Kingdoms--A Commentary on Annals of Three Kingdoms;记述三国史的著名史籍——《三国志》述评
8.The Records of Qielan at Luoyang state that when the various temples held "Xingxiang"fairs at Luoyang of the Northern Wei Dynasty,《洛阳伽蓝记》记述北魏洛阳各庙行像时,
9.Research for the Statement of the Mythology and Myth-stuff in SHIJI;《史记》中的神话和神异性记述研究
10.An explanation about the contradictory records in the same passage of Records of Historian;《史记》同一篇中有关矛盾记述通释
11.Two New Records of Echiniscus from Chongqing City重庆市棘影熊虫属两个新记录种记述
12.write [deliver] a eulogy of [on]...记载 [陈述] …的颂辞
13.An account or a record of a journey.游记,旅行日记对旅行的陈述或记录
14.index file descriptor record索引文件描述符记录
15.data file descriptor record数据文件描述符记录
16.He repeated the lines of the play without book.他凭记忆复述了台词。
17.Write while I dictate.当我口述时请你记下。
18.Can you use a dictating machine?你会用口述记录机吗?

1.Record of the Constructions in Zuo Zhuan;该文阐述了《左传》关于春秋时期的建筑记述
1.Notes on Miridae from Northern China(1)(Hemiptera:Heteroptera);我国北方盲蝽科昆虫记述(一)(半翅目:异翅亚目)
4)Newly narrated species新记述
5)memory statement记忆申述
6)memory of transmiting orally口述记忆
