1.This paper makes a research on when and why the true titles of Goddess Mazu were granted in the Song Dynasty and corrects the mistakes that have appeared in the biographies of Mazu since the Qing Dynasty by means of excavating and supplementing relevant documents and historical data of the Song Dynasty.重点考述“顺济”赐额时间应为宋宣和五年,“灵惠”首个封号应缘于姜特立征海寇之役;另外,对存在实据的妈祖早期其他七个封号,亦皆予以查证。
2.Drawing on attitude and graduation of Martin\'s appraisal system and choosing the titles on Mazu as data,this paper aims at analyzing their interpersonal meanings.分析表明:态度系统中,妈祖封号用字这一特定语篇突显的是判断和鉴赏,情感意义蕴含在判断和鉴赏意义中;级差系统中,凸显的是语势。

1.Used as a title for such a nobleman.用作这样一个贵族的封号
2.and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!他要我签收一封挂号信!
3.Here are some registered letters for you .这儿有你几封挂号信。
4.I signed for a registered letter.我签收了一封挂号信。
5.Do you wqnt to have thes letter registered?你这封信要不要挂号?
6.I want to send this letter by registered mail.我想把这封信寄挂号。
7.A: And I need to register this letter.甲:这一封信要挂号.
8."I would like to send this by registered mail, please."我想把这封信挂号寄出
9.Could you register this letter for me?能否给我把这封信挂号?
10.There are two registered letters for you to sign for.你得签收两封挂号信。
11.I'd like to register this letter.我将挂号邮寄这封信。
12.I 'd like to send this letter registered .我想挂号邮寄这封信。
13.I read the letter, and took care to see the name, and the marks, the name of the person that sent the goods.我念了这封信留心记住了船号,证号,寄件人姓名。
14.We can't accept registered packages sealed with Scotch tape.我们不收用这种东西封的挂号邮包。
15.Yes, I want to send a registered airmail letter to France.是的,我要寄封到法国的航空挂号信件。?
16.She pulls an oversized red envelope from her school bag,她从书包里拿出一个大号的红信封,
17.Do you wish to send it as an ordinary or registered letter ?你想寄一封平信还是挂号信?
18.I want t send a registered airmail letter to France.我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。

envelope signal信封信号
3)signal assemble信号封装
4)sealing signal密封信号
5)locking signal封锁信号

封号1.古时帝王封授的爵号或称号。 2.借指人们给予的称号。