1.Zhonghua Press s 2002 edition of Chu Ci Bu Zhu rectified more than 70 mistakes of the origional edition.但是该书依然存在少许错讹,笔者就发现的一些错讹进行了简单辨析,希望该书再版时更完善。
2.As for its explanation and the mistakes of examples and so on,the author has put forward question in the book,Pointing Out the Defects Ancient Chinese Dictionary edited by Chen FuHua.关于其释义、例证中的错讹、欠当等,笔者已撰写《陈复华主编〈古代汉语词典〉指瑕》一文进行了质疑。

1.This essay points out the author's questions from different angles as definition, inappropriateness and mistakes of the examples, and different interpretation of word forwards and backwards.文章从其释义、证中的错讹、当和同一词前后释义不一等几个角度对其提出了质疑。
2.An error often creeps into a book through a printer’s mistake.书籍中经常会有某个因排字错误而造成讹谬。
3.I consulted with Pavel Petrov. He said that I was mistaken, this is not the copper coin, described in his book as Great Mongols, Otrar mint.我向巴维尔.彼得洛夫请教了,他说我说错了,这不是他书中描述的讹达剌打制的蒙古帝国铜币。
4.The word is a corruption of another word.这个词是另一词的传讹。
5.enrico fermi atomic power plant讹科费米原子能电站
6.He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
7.Arguments against the Clarification of the Old Man and the Official of Stone Trench by Du Fu;《〈杜甫《石壕吏》中的老翁和石壕吏〉辨讹》辨讹
8.Misinformation about Forum East was nothing new.在东部论坛的事情上以讹传讹,不是破天荒第一遭。
9.Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed.让我这个目击者来告诉他们所发生的事情, 也免得以讹传讹。
10.Incongruity-Resolution Theory of humor claims that the humorous effect arises from the perception of two incompatible ideas and the resolution of the incongruity.幽默的乖讹-消解理论提出,幽默效果的产生依赖于发现并解决乖讹。
11.your Loath some Embracer!你们这位令人恶心的讹诈犯!
12.It turns out that they are resorting to war blackmail in all its nakedness.原来他们是在进行赤裸裸的战争讹诈。
13."But he's sure to find an excuse to make some kind of trouble.“不过他一定要来找讹头生事!
14.The Dutch word " Brandewijn" became corrupted to " Brandy" in the mouth of the English.“Brandewijn”这个荷兰词已讹化英国人所说的“Brandy”。
15.Immediately seizing this opportunity to let himself go, he roared at her:吴荪甫立刻找到讹头了,故意大声喝道:
16.Goods falling in any following categories may be exempted from the levy of Customs duties upon verification by the Customs:下列货物,经海关审查无讹,可以免税:
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18.Their policy of nuclear blackmail has fallen through.他们的核讹诈政策破产了。

the Wrong Character错讹字
3)Erroneous and irresponsible talk讹言讹语
1.Correction of the errors in revised version of Historical Records;《史记》校点本讹误辨正
2.The book still exists some errors when it is collated according to various versions though it had been complenmented and corrected.萧绎《金楼子》因流传散佚,虽经前人校补订正,众版本参照比勘时仍发现讹误。
3.In the contemporary scholars annotation work,errors are also hard to avoid.诗歌注释是一门博大精深的学问,当代学者在对古代诗词的整理注释工作中,讹误的出现是难以避免的。
1.The other kind of incongruity to generate humor can stem from the deliberate breach of the principles supposed to be observed by the speakers to promote and maintain harmonious relations.文章以Leech的礼貌准则及Brown和Levinson面子理论及礼貌的补救策略为理论依据,分析了产生喜剧幽默的另外一种乖讹,认为它是在违背社会约定俗成的礼貌原则的基础上形成的。
2.Traditional humor theories mainly probe the nature of humor, among which, the three classical ones are: incongruity theory, superiority theory and relief theory (Morreall, 1983:4).传统的幽默理论主要探讨幽默的本质,形成了三种常见的理论:乖讹论、优越论以及慰藉论(Morreall, 1983: 4)。
6)erroneous words讹文
1.This paper begins with pointing out four types of misquotations in the First Draft of Xunguxue: redundancy due to misprinting or miscopying,omitting due to misprinting or miscopying,erroneous words,and misrepresent source;and then corrects them.本文指出了《训诂学初稿》一书中存在的衍文、脱文、讹文、出处误等四类引文错误,并对它们进行了辨正。
