1.The identities of spoony and knight-errant embody the liberation of his soul resulted from the stress of conflict and balance.隐士,是陈继儒出于对现实环境的清醒认识和对其遗世独立行为的遮蔽;山人,是他对自身与现实世界的一种主动、尴尬而又智慧的把握;情种与侠士,是他以对生命的极度迷恋为前提,在内心的冲突与平衡下挤压出的心灵的解放,并由此来认识人的本来面目;逸士,是他的内心体验历尽艰辛后收获的玫瑰,也是他心灵最终的归宿。

1.Responsible Chivalrous Quality of Modern Reporters;近代记者敢为天下先的“侠士”品质述评
2.On the group Characteristics of the Pre-Qin Chivalrous Swordsmenand their Influence on Later Literature;先秦侠士群体特质及其对文学之影响
3.On the Type and Evolution of Chivalrous Swordsman s Image in Chinese Classical Novels;中国古典小说中侠士形象的类型及演变
4.Influence of the emergence of the chivalrous person to the development of Wushu in the Spring and Autumn Period;春秋战国时期侠士的兴起对武术发展的影响
5.The Manner of Wei-jin and Heroic Spirit in the Poetry and Proses from Late Qing to May 4th Period;晚清至五四时期诗文中的“魏晋风度”及侠士
6.The Sword of Aloofness and Arrogance and the knife of loyalty--The Cultural Comparison between Chinese Chivalrous Swordsman and Japanese Warrior;孤傲之剑与忠诚之刀——中国侠士同日本武士的文化比较
7.The chivalrous person is the unique social phenomenon in the Chinese Wushu history, emerges from the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States continuously to the modern times.侠士是中华武术史上特有的社会现象,从春秋战国兴起一直延续到近代。
8.His hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species.他梦寐以求的愿望,是跻身于见义勇为、扶弱挤贫的侠士行列,从而能名垂青史。
9.A Hermit, a Vagabond and a Chivalrous Man-- Comments on Ling Huchong;“隐士”、“浪子”、“侠”——论令狐冲
10.Variants Seclusion and Becoming Famous Litterateurs in the Variant Works in the Tang Dynasty;唐代行侠作品中侠者的隐身江湖与名士化
11.Cultural compare of knight-errant between kongfu fiction in china and chevalier literature in west;中国武侠小说和西方骑士文学“侠”文化比较
12.Comparison Between the Western Cavalier Literature and Chinese Martial Arts Novels;西方骑士文学与中国武侠小说之比较
13.Study on Evolvement and Relationship between Ranger and Scholar in Qin and Han Dynasty秦汉时期士与游侠的演变及关系研究
14.Psychology of a Knight. Batman finally gets worthy back-story. ""心理学的一个武士.蝙蝠侠终于得到值得背故事. "
15.Love and Altruism in the Romance and the Hero Novels;西方骑士文学的情与中国侠义小说的义
16.The goddess known as Mielikki, Lady of the Forest, is the patron of forests, rangers, and dryads.女神被称为梅利凯,丛林女士。她是丛林、侠和树妖的保护者。
17.Death is death - cold, crucial, and full of pain.士兵的生命并不是英雄侠义,死亡就是死亡,冰冷,重要,充满疼痛。
18.Western Knights and China's Ancient Swordsmen:Towards the Universal Theme of Justice in Chinese and Western Literature西方骑士与中国古代的侠——中西方文学共同母题中表现的正义精神

chivalrous mentality侠士心理
1.Fame-and-fortune-oriented official characters,favor-repaying chivalrous mentality,multi-dimensioned national concept,adaptability-in-tactics consciousness in apprehension of deaths and value orientation of "scholars are to devote themselves to Tao",etc could al.名利化的仕宦人格、知恩图报的侠士心理、多元化的民族观念、怵于危亡的权变意识和"士志于道"的价值取向,都会使文人以某种方式失节。
3)pre-Qin historic chivalrous swordsmen先秦侠士
4)knight personality侠士人格
5)chivalrous swordsman's image侠士形象
6)chivalrous man侠客义士
