1.Chen Fan(陈范) who was a famous journalist among the folk newspaper men in the late Qing Dynasty had wide views on the development of newspapering, he showed extraordinary ability and wisdom when he was in charge of newspaper Su Bao(苏报).陈范是晚清时期民间报人中一个具有代表性的人物。

1.number of addressee's telex statio收报人的用户电报站号码
2.avenge oneself on sb/sth; take or get revenge on sb/sth for such a wrong向某人[某事物]报仇,报复
3.requite sb for wrongs, evils, etc向某人报怨、 报仇等
4.Return the details of one's income, ie to a tax inspector申报个人收入细目(报税)
5.quote a price lower than that quoted by (another seller).报出比别人报出的价钱低的报价。
6.One's due, reward, or punishment; requital.报偿,报应一个人应得报酬、报答、惩罚;补偿,赔偿
7.take vengeance on [upon] a person (for...)(为…而) 向某人报仇
8.Take revenge on sb; retaliate against sb(向某人)复仇,报复
9.The Working People's Daily劳动人民日报(缅)
10.Good for good every man can do; good for bad only a noble man can do .以德报德,人人可为;以德报怨,贤者为之。
11.a snake in sb.'s bosom对某人恩将仇报的人
12.MPIS (Manpower and Personal Information System)人力与人事情报系统
13.American and Republican美国人和共和党人报
14.Be even hands with sb.向某人报复,同某人算账
15.The Comparative Research of the AIDS Reports between the People s Daily and the New York Times;《人民日报》、《纽约时报》艾滋病报道比较研究
16."For he gives to every man the reward of his work, and sees that he gets the fruit of his ways."他必按人所作的报应人,使各人照所行的得报。
17.sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal.对丑闻的耸人听闻的报刊报道
18.The newspaper headlined the story of the astronaut ' trip to the moon报纸大力报导太空人的月球之行

1.Combination of tradition and modernization makes them participate in politics and reform and revolution as a newspaperman.近代史上的报人大多数都是由知识分子充当的。
3)air defence alert人防报警
4)Intelligence personnel情报人员
1.Continuing education questions of technology intelligence personnel under the network environment网络环境下科技情报人员的继续教育问题
5)Running Newspapers国人办报
1.On the Early Diplomat s Contributions to Chinese Running Newspapers in Late Qing Dynasty;试论晚清国人办报中早期外交官的贡献
6)Aging newspapers and magazines老人报刊
