
1.The structure of remainder lignin collapsing gradually, there is granular relic in the end.最后残存的木质素结构崩塌,只剩粒状残片
2.Fragmentary Black Lacquer Tray Inlaid with a Picture of the Moon Palace in Mother-of-pearl广寒宫图嵌螺钿黑漆盘残片
3.On the Tangut fragment Zhan Cha Shan E Ye Bao Jing from the French collections;法藏西夏文《占察善恶业报经》残片
4.Federal investigator left a skeleton crew to analyze the plane wreckage.联邦调查员留下精干人员来分析飞机的残片
5.allowing floors that were pierced by tons of falling debris to remain intact.:那些被成吨的残片击穿的楼板得以完整无缺。
6.A Study on Two Buddhist Sutra Pieces in Uighur Script from Dunhuang Collected in the Library ofPeking University北京大学图书馆藏两叶敦煌本回鹘文残片研究
7.Wreckage or cargo that remains afloat after a ship has sunk.漂浮物沉船后仍漂浮在水面上的残片或货物
8.A Study of three Pieces of Buddihist Sutra Fragment in Uighur Discovered in Northern Division in Dunhuang...............敦煌莫高窟北区出土三件回鹘文佛经残片研究
9.After the crash, debris from the plane were scattered over a large area .飞机坠毁後,残骸散落在一大片土地上
10.After the crash, debrises from the plane are scattered over a large area.飞机坠毁後,残骸散落在一大片土地上。
11.After the crash , debris from the plane be scattered over a large area飞机坠毁後, 残骸散落在一大片土地上
12.The debris of something wrecked.残骸失事船舶物品的碎片
13.till-less agriculture Reserved detritus from previous crops covers and protects the seedbed.保留前茬作物的残株碎片以保护苗床。
14.After the crash, debris from the plane was scattered over a large area.飞机坠毁後, 残骸散落在一大片土地上.
15.A Study on Residual Stresses of Wood Circular Saws in Manufacture;木工圆锯片制造过程中残余应力研究
16.It's more about sadness and loneliness than about cruelty or inhumanity.本片讲述较多的是悲伤和孤独,而不是残酷和残暴。
17.The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed;rubble or wreckage.残骸破裂或被毁坏的东西剩下的碎片、碎石或残余物
18.A wide cloud of smoke rises silently over the large, devastated mountain.残破的大山上,无声地升起一片宽阔的烟尘。

Bone broken骨骼残片
3)oceanic crustal slices洋壳残片
4)stratigraphic remain地层残片
1.The occasional exposed stratigraphic remains can be divided into four types:late Archaeozoic Jiaodong Group, lower Proterozoic Jingshan Group and Fenzishan Group, and Sinian Pengheshi Formation complex.零星分布的地层残片可分为晚太古代胶东岩群,早元古代荆山群、粉子山群及震旦纪朋河石岩组。
5)Buddhist Fragments佛经残片
6)tectonic remnants构造残片
1.The wide-spread altered clinopyroxene peridotite,serpentinized pyroxenite,gabbro,altered basalt and radiolarian siliceous rocks recognized during the geological surveying of 1∶250 000 Luhuo Sheet occur as tectonic remnants scattered in the metamorphic sandstone and slate flysch strata of the Middle to Upper Triassic Runiange Formation.在1∶25万炉霍幅区域地质调查中,于川西高原炉霍-道孚一带发现了大量的蚀变单辉橄榄岩、蛇纹石化辉石岩、辉长岩、蚀变玄武岩及放射虫硅质岩,它们多呈构造残片状散布于中上三叠统如年各岩组变质砂板岩复理石地层中。
